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    Indeed, and it goes down as an 'incident' which remains on your file for several years as I recently found out!
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    Sneaking up on wildlife

    Drive round here mate and you get both?
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    Sneaking up on wildlife

    Doesn't surprise me, the standard of driving in this country is abysmal.
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    Sneaking up on wildlife

    We didn't need new laws to that effect. All that's happened is to deflect the responsibility further on to the motorist and absolve the terminally stupid from any blame it seems to me.
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    Money saved

    And of course EVs never catch fire do they?
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    Sneaking up on wildlife

    When you've got a brain the size of a walnut......Strangely I had one take off so closely whilst riding my Zero today, I had to avert my head as it was literally 2 inches from my helmet. A well camouflaged hen pheasant, which had blended in with the country road that I was traversing.
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    Money saved

    I think you'll find that's the Zaphira!
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    Sneaking up on wildlife

    I'd agree with that, they're not far short of EVs IMHO!
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    Money saved

    I must admit it's a hoot! Did manage to cover 117 miles on one charge once! I've had a string of Kawasaki's over the years, great bikes. Downsized to an Royal Enfield Classic 350 recently. It's doing over a 100 mpg!
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    Money saved

    A Meriva at present. Put a deposit on an MG5, upon returning from only a 20 mile test drive we were so impressed. However due to the fact that Budgen's somehow 'lost' us £1k when the Government reduced the grant, increased the payments considerably from the amount I budgeted for and removed the...
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    Money saved

    Several actually, if you care to look. At least 3 Kia models. Ssang Yong Tivoli another.
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    Money saved

    And that's the problem. I had a motorbike that had done 126,000 miles when I sold it with nothing done to the engine and still on the original clutch! On the other hand you can knacker an engine by not running it in properly and abusing it. I guess an electric motor with its lack of moving parts...
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    Money saved

    All very well, but what worries me is how long do the electric motors last and what happens when the batteries are shot?
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    Sneaking up on wildlife

    Why don't you not like using the horn? That's what it's there for. You only have to give a short 'toot'. Personally I'd give them a blast, it might aid their concentration in the future ?
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    Its amazing how ice drivers are environment experts

    The problem is extracting the hydrogen in a 'green' manner at a price that's affordable for all.
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    Sneaking up on wildlife

    Don't they fit horns anymore?
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    Its amazing how ice drivers are environment experts

    Wow, that's an eye opener!
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    Its amazing how ice drivers are environment experts

    I think we'll find alternatives to lithium appearing: sodium-sulfur for example, and I believe IBM are developing batteries extracted from sea water. Anything that drives down the cost and ups the density has got to be good. We live in exciting times that's for sure.
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    Its amazing how ice drivers are environment experts

    Agreed, although the point is made regarding the source of power to produce the electricity
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    Its amazing how ice drivers are environment experts

    Also factor in the disposal of lithium batteries as well as mining the stuff. I'm not against EVs in any shape or form, indeed driving one is a revelation. I'm merely pointing out that they are not as green as you'd think. Having said that there's no question that they are the future, unless a...
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