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  1. kiwi

    Just bought one of these

    I carry and wear a waxed cotton oilskin full brimmed hat. While it won't keep your clothing dry it stops the rain going down your neck and keeps your hair dry.
  2. kiwi

    X Power Rival - Hot Cupra Born VZ

    SAIC rep at trade show. Makes sense given relationship:
  3. kiwi

    X Power Rival - Hot Cupra Born VZ

    Word is that VW are doing a deal with SAIC to access the platform that the MG4 is built on.
  4. kiwi

    Maximum Charge rate for Long Range Trophy?

    Can't comment on UK prices but here in NZ it's common to pay roughly 10% premium to use chargers over about 75kW or so.
  5. kiwi

    MG4 in Australia

    @MozFromOz NZ owner here. Vehicle delivered in Dec 2023 came with R11.
  6. kiwi

    Anyone know where I can get a workshop manual for an Excite 64

    You blokes often export fixed stat jobs to the poor relations in NZ… And I hear that around Melbourne a stat job can be had ready for the road for the right incentives…
  7. kiwi

    Transferring a private reg?

    As someone from the other side of the world, a once British Subject (according to my 60s vintage passport), and only occasionally having the chance to tread your green and pleasant land can you tell me the story of the green strip seen on sone EV plates? Is it stock or an option you have to ask...
  8. kiwi

    Anyone know where I can get a workshop manual for an Excite 64

    Mate, I know you’re dead set on powering up that old Kombi but have you thought about just fixing what you have? You haven’t treated us to a picture yet but one stuffed corner is probably pretty fixable. Is the engine and rear axles OK?
  9. kiwi

    The absolute joy that is rapid charging with ZS Mk2 Standard Range!

    Original poster reported 35 to 50 kW. I’ve noted a max of 137 to 141 kW on my MG4. 3 times 35 = 105 3 times 50 = 150 So I think three times is a fair enough single digit claim. Datasheet values do not equate to real world experience. My wife owns a Aust/NZ ZS EV Mk2 SR 2023 MY with the LFP...
  10. kiwi

    Mini North Island NZ Road Trip II

    Indeed there are small saving from the streamlining. However, it's not much see my post here: While the Car and Driver test were done with a Tesla, I would expect the results would be pretty comparable. The key point here was the savings...
  11. kiwi

    DIY V2L cable "waterproof"? Or

    In another thread I commented that because the 470 ohms resistor delivers more kilowatts than the stock 2000 ohm V2L cable doesn’t mean you should use it. I expect that V2L use is recorded in the car’s software event log. A claim against the warranty for a blown inverter when the vehicle log...
  12. kiwi

    Anyone know where I can get a workshop manual for an Excite 64

    It's not an MG4 but it is MG, and it is Australian: This bloke has a few related videos worth a watch.
  13. kiwi

    Mini North Island NZ Road Trip II

    The return trip was uneventful and we focused on taking careful note of efficiency. The route from Hamilton to Waikanae takes you over the Desert Road, through the central North Island. Summit is 1075m and it's reached after a climb from Tūrangi at 380m in only 32km. We topped up there to 90%...
  14. kiwi

    MG4 steaming up problem

    The MG4 does not fog up nearly as badly as the ZS EV.
  15. kiwi

    EVs in popular culture ... where are they?

    I’m a little surprised no one has mentioned the DeLorean from the Back To The Future. While made up, the car required a Flux Capacitor for travel in time, powered by fission (plutonium) in BTTF I (lightning in 1955) and fusion in BTTF II (Mr Fusion reactor). Time travel required, according to...
  16. kiwi

    Mini North Island NZ Road Trip II

    Next leg was the 138km from Hamilton to Silverdale Mall, north of Auckland City. This was the drop off point for the test equipment. Started with 92% and arrived with 50%. This trip involved lots of running on the 110kph Hamilton to Auckland expressway. Great weather, 24° C plus temps, a big...
  17. kiwi

    MG4 in Australia

    Fixed it for you.
  18. kiwi

    MG4 in Australia

    This would also work on the current MG ZS EV range, all Aust/NZ models support 11kW 3 phase charging.
  19. kiwi

    The absolute joy that is rapid charging with ZS Mk2 Standard Range!

    My wife has the MG ZS EV SR 51 and it’s a great car for the price. However, for long trips the MG4 ER 64 is excellent, not just for the mild range boost but mainly for the big increase of three times the charge rate over the ZS, sustained from zero to about 55%.
  20. kiwi

    Mini North Island NZ Road Trip II

    It’s an instrument used by radio engineers to develop radio equipment and to investigate radio interference. Plots signal frequencies against amplitude. Prices range from a few hundred to a few hundred thousand. Some of the older instruments from the eighties made by vendors like HP were of such...
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