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  1. kiwi

    The absolute joy that is rapid charging with ZS Mk2 Standard Range!

    You don't need an ETron to pull big kilowatts, MG4 Trophy/Essence 64:
  2. kiwi

    Mini North Island NZ Road Trip II

    A few extra notes on the trip up. Payload was Mrs Kiwi and I, plus our luggage for four days and 45kg of vintage Hewlett-Packard spectrum analyzer. All neatly swallowed up in the generous MG4 boot space. Plenty of space along with the granny charger, AC charging cable, and V2L cable. At the...
  3. kiwi

    Mini North Island NZ Road Trip II

    Another short North Island New Zealand road trip. This time Waikanae to Hamilton via Tūrangi with a hop up to Silverdale, North Auckland. Left Waikane 5pm Friday with 80% on board and stopped 92km later at Bulls Te Matapihi by the Bulls Community Centre for quick top up on the 300kW ChargeNet...
  4. kiwi

    MG4 vs Tesla Model 3

    Apart from the ergonomics and software, I simply can’t abide the plain and boring Tesla front - it’s ’orrible. The MG HS EV front is also plain but the golf ball treatment at least breaks it up a bit visually. No joke, you can actually buy stick on fronts to improve the looks of the model...
  5. kiwi

    MG4 V2L earth rod, TT system

    Several points in addition to the above: Just because the 470 ohms resistor delivers more kilowatts than the stock 2000 ohm V2L cable doesn’t mean you should use it. I expect that V2L use is recorded in the car’s software event log. A claim against the warranty for a blown inverter when the...
  6. kiwi

    MG4 Carplay RHD Setting?

    I think it settles down once it figures out which side of the road you mainly drive on :)
  7. kiwi

    MG4 Managing Expectations

    White was my choice not at all based on cost. It’s a colour (technically every primary colour actually) that simply looks cool and bright at the same time.
  8. kiwi

    MG4 Managing Expectations

    And you have it in a brilliant colour!
  9. kiwi

    Benefits of connecting to WiFi?

    OK so the only use seems to be for the weather app updates and for the remote control app. If you don’t use either then it appears to be unnecessary.
  10. kiwi

    MG4 in Australia

    @revel42 I’m also in NZ and you need to get up to R11, it’s a big step up from ‘05. LKA in particular is much more bearable.
  11. kiwi

    Benefits of connecting to WiFi?

    What for?
  12. kiwi

    Unable to select a drive 'gear'

    Foot of the brake for a couple of seconds and then back on fixes that when it happens to me.
  13. kiwi

    V2L Earthing - how?

    While cumbersome, an isolating transformer is the obvious answer to the V2H predicament. Floating towards the EV V2L cable and MEN bonded at the house via the approved manual transfer switch.
  14. kiwi

    How much do you spend on charging?

    What price do you put on fun?
  15. kiwi

    Jump Starting an MG4 SR

    A lithium battery jump pack to power up a lead acid battery to power up a lithium traction battery… what do you need as a back up to the jump pack? ?
  16. kiwi

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    Yes, never let facts get in the way of a good story.
  17. kiwi

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    @siteguru Cooks Beach NZ - Electric car ruled out as cause and...
  18. kiwi


    Yes, the streamlining save energy but you’ll save as much or more by not hammering the loud pedal. For a real world test see: You also save heaps by driving just a little slower. I get a big...
  19. kiwi

    Granny cable stopped after half an hour

    My MG4 restarts charging automatically if interrupted by unlocking if it’s left plugged in without having to relock.
  20. kiwi

    lowest price MG4 worldwide

    New Zealand dollar prices are as follows Using today's excahnge rates in UKPDS and Euro they're Excite (base) 51 £ 22,551 € 26,188 Excite (base) 64 £ 24,950 € 28,974 Esence (trophy) 64 £ 26,390 € 30,646 Long Range (trophy) £ 30,709 € 35,662 The XPower is £ 33,588 or € 39,005. Those prices...
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