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  1. T

    MG4 vs ID3

    as per Buster:- we owned a '22 ID3 and although it had that feel of VW 'solid' quality, the control screen ('infotainment'), heating/demisting and windows control were, well, crap. I believe vw have dumped that all-touch-capacitance control in newer id3's; just as well. The MG4 drives better...
  2. T

    MG4 Undertray dip/bulge

    ok, to elucidate: the grot patch was/is noticeable on both rear wings. It is the result of a differential pressure-bleed contraflow of relatively dirty air/water into the turbulent boundary layer along the vehicle side at that point. It is not purely a function of the wheel-tyre chucking muck...
  3. T

    MG4 Undertray dip/bulge

    You'd need to do tunnel-testing (as in wind, of the airflow variety) to determine the actual increase in drag. Consider that Honda reckon the drag reduction on the Honda e due to removal of the wing mirror pair is iro 4% of total drag, and VW put flatish covers on their EV wheels (iro 6%(?))...
  4. T

    New car ?

    You've probably 'done your own research' and are well aware of how to optimise range - there are several related threads that are well worth reading. If 'long journey-ing', using the battery heater (can be timed in app) helps - though you need to be plugged-in, obvs - and if you're charging at...
  5. T

    Moving to Octopus - current situation?

    Agile yes, i believe; Intelligent, no (neither car nor HV are 'compatible', i.e. the Octopus software cannot interface with either the SAIC API or the HV API). If you've been following the FBook threads related to this, you'll have seen that HV are hoping to fettle their software to be able to...
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    MG4 Undertray dip/bulge

    Yes, that's a reasonable expectation. The effectiveness of the 'engine air scoop' * is reduced slightly because the laminar/ turbulent boundary layer is probably a centimetre or two thick at that position 'aft'. ( I could calculate it but 1-2cm seems a decent guesstimate). However... going...
  7. T

    Do you flash other mg4s?

    During our festive tour du Midlands we noticed that they are even more common (as muck) up there than they are in our locale; so much so that they are begining to clog up the public charger network (displacing Tesla's, lol!)?
  8. T

    Will NACS win (eventually)?

    This thread hasn't gone quite the way I envisaged...
  9. T

    Do you flash other mg4s?

    common as muck around here... we did have a Honda e before; seeing another was cue to emergency stop, cross the carriageway, embrace like Armageddon is tomorrow, get yer flask and buns out and have a good chinwag on the hard shoulder.
  10. T

    Will NACS win (eventually)?

    It's Kithmo's comment that i was thinking along: Separation of 400/800V dc from 1p/3p ac courtesy separate physical wiring (per ccs2) sounds like a no-brainer compared to the system reliability/safety risks of switched pins (per nacs), however it would be interesting to see the fmeca/etc and...
  11. T

    Will NACS win (eventually)?

    With nacs being adopted by most us manufacturers, the competition between the tesla standard and CCS Type 2 has hotted-up (occasionally literally) quite a bit. 'There can be only one', said the highlander, so was he right and if so which? Afaik the us system is physically far superior (i.e...
  12. T

    Remove both rear spoilers on trophy version ?

    yeah; it seems the whole design ethos for 'cars' is totally screwed-up; with a few notable exceptions, adding drag (so diminishing the range available) seems to be 'normal' these days. All started by the ridiculously nonsensical 'SUV' bullsh*t-world, which has reversed 30 years of aerodynamic...
  13. T

    Remove both rear spoilers on trophy version ?

    many don't understand what a 'spoiler' is for - it's either to (a) reduce drag, by detaching the rooftop flow, making it turbulent and therefore reducing the power required to keep the tail vortices forming, or (b) it's actually an inverted 'wing', intended to create downforce, usually so as to...
  14. T

    so.. who misses their ICE car....

    'going backwards in time' sums up many EV drivers feelings towards icecling. For sure, I'm one (my wife too) who wouldn't remotely consider it. The MG4's really good, but oh, the honda e; sticky pants - almost (shame about the range.) I am just a tiny bit tempted to buy a Peugeot 205 diesel, xud...
  15. T

    MG4 EV 51kWh Traffic Efficiency

    edsxp; perhaps also consider that motor regen 'braking' is only 75 to 80% efficient, so if you're doing a lot of accelerate-decelerate (which for 10 miles sounds like it - isn't it faster to cycle :-) ?) you'll lose energy substantially, esp if you boot the gas every time on takeoff. As the...
  16. T

    MG4 not charging does anyone know what this error sign means ?

    curveball warning: Are you using a 7kW nom charger, and if so, what make? There are, apparently, a few types that have their 'overvoltage' (as in 230V nominal A.C. supply) cut-out set at the uk grid limit level* of 253V; if the supply-side exceeds this for the duration set by the charger...
  17. T

    Moving to Octopus - current situation?

    apologies and thanks, Jomarkh; it is 'Intelligent' i meant for the api compatibility.
  18. T

    Moving to Octopus - current situation?

    Regarding the Agile tariff; do you have/ have you checked for api (vehicle/charger) compatibility with Octopus? I haven't seen a published matrix of current (sorry) compatible combinations, but our mg4 + Hypervolt isn't one of them. Agile seems, by some margin, the best tariff if you can...
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    The arguments for EVs over Hydrogen fuelled cars

    As the Hindenberg reminds us...
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    Effect of wind speed/direction on consumption

    yeah; we can see though, the beginnings of 'tou' variable charging energy costs; if only ofgem wasn't such a bunch of useless blundering incompetent lazy vegetables (apologies for demigrating vegetables), the Uk electricity market would be a lot more sensibly - and fairly - priced. Maybe in 20...
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