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  1. T

    Effect of wind speed/direction on consumption

    these threads are revealing; - how (well, some!) ev owners are or have become a lot more conscious of their vehicles energy use. Ask a cyclist, though, and you get a look of astonishment - 'what, didn't you know that?!?!?!?' The energy wasted by slab-reared trucks is phenomenal, but helped Guy...
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    Effect of wind speed/direction on consumption

    quite probably the ambient air temperature dropped quite a bit in the rainy time, perhaps to the point where more battery heating was required. The liquid water in the airflow also removes heat much more effectively from the car, greatly exacerbating the effect if indeed it is contributing.
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    Buying an EV Beware and watch this first

    if the fellow was as 'on it' as a utube poster might be expected to be, he might have sold his value-increased car a year-ish ago while prices were stupidly (but obviously temporarily) over-cooked, and made a profit, which he could then have offset against the almost certain future losses as...
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    Trade off

    Acceleration, i don't drive on autobahns in our car these days. I haven't driven ours at limit speed yet, but am interested to know from anyone who has what the 'power meter' numbers were? I'm assuming that the 'power meter' implementation in most ev's refers to current flow rather than the...
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    MG4 Windows dropping?

    Intermittent faults can be a nightmare to resolve if there isn't a detailed datalog of the event; it's a bit like noticing the cookies have all gone (as usual) but the kids deny all knowledge: unless you catch the little ******s in the act, there's only surmisation and maybe a bit of...
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    Mg4 trophy sales drop like a stone!

    perhaps also worthwhile considering is the value of the battery pack itself - even after 10 years and maybe at 80% remaining capacity, a 40 (originally 50) kWh or 50 (originally 64)kWh pack will make one hell of a good value domestic battery, considering an 8kWh pack sells for what, around £8000...
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    Auto lights always coming on ? Hillbilly hack.

    you got a :ROFLMAO: for that due to the 'fat people blocking sun', sorry, a rather mean (and fat-ist) but lol. Nice work; yeah, you's have thought they'd have doen a bit more road testing with different opacity covers before launching that part.
  8. T

    MG4 experience

    yes, interesting - and per Leni's note re the Seal - it will be intriguing (not sure if that's the most appropriate word) to see how the pricing shakes down over the next 12 months... (i feel some depreciation coming on...[Leni: that's why i didn't want to spend too much on a new car at the back...
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    MG4 experience

    Leni; no, being polite is a minimum necessity. But anyone buying anything (we are bartering our work/wealth for someone else's 'stuff' when we 'buy' it) folk should shoulder the responsibility for their decision unless they have been deliberately misled. Now, wtlp can be misleading, for sure (I...
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    Windscreen wipers

    i too was bemused by the lack of rear wiper, but 4000 winter miles later, fair cop, it doesn't need one. Auto wipeys would be nice, but i previously often found they would come on when i didn't want them to, or not when i did.
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    iSmart messed up home charging

    docbog, orp: I've an SESR and, from non-systematic observation it works like Diggsy et al have said; unlock car, plug in, lock car. Re app control: (i) I use the app timers in addition to the domestic wall charger timer (yeah a bit autistic, i know) but set a margin of 1 minute outside the...
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    Setting up MG4

    Bowfer; each to their own, but i disagree on the regen setting: Once you get used to a near-one-pedal driving style, having maximum regen saves energy and, perhaps more importantly, may save a life; while the human shoe-shuffle is going from accelerator to brake, the car is already 'braking'...
  13. T

    Dropping like a stone

    tsedge; agreed all points. One factor maybe we aren't considering adequately is the rapid evolution of battery tech vs investment costs for multi-million production-scale 'gigapresses' that may only have a run-to-obsolescence of two-ish years. When the next 'hyper' battery tech reaches adequate...
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    Different Trophy??

    on the other hand, we do get rhd...
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    Remove both rear spoilers on trophy version ?

    i tell people the se 'where the spoilers go on the upmarket versions' covers are auto-actuated flap/airbrakes - as on aircraft - and are only deployed when emergency braking from speeds in excess of 125 mph, similar to the Bugatti Veyron.
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    Best Electric?

    OP is fine up to about 3 olde-worlde imperial pyntes, but after that can lead to exhaust emissions of several varieties...
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    Mg4 trophy sales drop like a stone!

    body style does have some relevance: 'suv'-styles tend to be rather - in aerodynamic terms - 'bluff'-body shapes, therefore significantly have higher drag coefficients and larger projected areas, giving a much higher 'drag area' (the number that counts in aerodynamic efficiency). Hence suv's as...
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    Rodents ate my car (well not quite but they had a go)

  19. T

    Rodents ate my car (well not quite but they had a go)

    poor bu99er. (The cat, not you, stevegus.) I was thinking of this one...
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    Rodents ate my car (well not quite but they had a go)

    Per Fifer;- keep a cat under the bonnet.
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