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  1. T

    MG4 Windows dropping?

    yep, me too, several times. Oddly, all occasions were in a short time interval (a couple of weeks), this was about 6 weeks ago and hasn't happened since. It may be a software/firm/hardware glitch initiated by a particular set of circumstances, i.e. hard to sort unless one can be caught 'in the...
  2. T

    Hmmm interesting…..

    yes, that's how i found out what she was up to...
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    Acorn bombs

    i'll try not to drive past your house with my 'squirrel-catcher' undertray scoop... aka pidgeon guillotine.
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    MG4 Undertray dip/bulge

    Ma Macadoodle, did you get around to the 'stiffening/support strip' fix? I may well do exactly this myself. [Have just had a response from MG via local dealer to the effect of: "the undertray performs as per the design intent, no action will be taken" - not quite verbatim, but nearly. If i...
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    MG4 2 questions

    The elect sys will probably be designed to an 'IP' rating; likely 56; i.e. neither large dust not direct water spray under pressure will penetrate the connections. Regardless, cats have survived 100 mile journeys in the engine compartment of ice mobiles, so a bit of 'electric toaster' effect...
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    Washing The MG4.

    nice. Could you print me a one-piece battery/motor compartment undertray?!
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    MG4 Charging

    per Buster; mg4's are now being supplied with granny. 'Type2 - to - Type 2' cables no longer seem to be supplied with car unless you can wring one out of the dealer, quite a few good ones available online somewhat cheaper than the manufacturer ones. Within the generic group of 'Type 2-to-Type...
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    MG4 Rejected

    MG4, SE Standard Range apologies for over-simplification!
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    MG4 - batteries dies at -40c

    Lead-acids are well-suited to cranking the starter-motor...
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    MG4 Undertray dip/bulge

    one-piece tray the best answer, maybe?
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    MG4 Rear Brake Discs corroded, 3700 miles in, + bonus other issues

    make the drums internal and the unsprung weight is reduced, too...
  12. T

    MG4 Rear Brake Discs corroded, 3700 miles in, + bonus other issues

    Supercapacitors will do the job. An inboard disc would still be needed for emergency backup in case of total electrical system failure. Variable road friction (ice/snow/diesel) are best managed by computer traction control. Stainless (steel) is often used for discs these days, but careful...
  13. T

    MG4 Rejected

    just as well you didn't buy an ID.3, then... (I impulse-sold our id.3 after 3 months when, with the screen totally opaque with condensation, the cabin heating simply refused to initiate, resulting in a zero-degree 35 mile drive home with the windows open, lol.) Got an sesr instead, which is...
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    MG4 Undertray dip/bulge

    Leni: maybe: when whether forecasters give the daily max/min temperatures, those are usually taken from inside a box ('Stevenson screen', i.e. a louvred box) at 1.25 metres above ground. On a clear-sky polar-airmass night, a black tarmac surface may cool to a somewhat lower temperature than the...
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    MG4 Undertray dip/bulge

    Agree Leni, but the undertray will need careful redesign (if it already hasn't had it) - the car body will be deforming (hopefully elastically) under loads, so the tray needs to be able to withstand aero lift & + mechanical loads from the fixing points, all across a 100 deg C range (say -40 to...
  16. T

    MG4 Undertray dip/bulge

    saic will be keen to address qc issues 'at source' (i.e. the factory); it costs around 50 times more to rectify problems at user level.
  17. T

    MG4 Range

    Macadoodle, perhaps bear in mind the optimum chemystery temperature is the internal cell temp, so the oat (ambient) is probably best a little below that so as to provide decent cooling when large current flows occur (right boot/max regen). 17-22 Deg C might seem optimum?
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    MG4 Range

    the tailgate 'spoilers' might look racy, but imo are a misdirected crock. Firstly; as 'spoilers' they are misnamed: spoilers are flow breakers used to create drag and/or dump lift, neither of which function is useful to any degree on a 1800 kg car travelling at a limited 100 mph while carrying...
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    MG4 Range

    yes, seems totally bizarre to me. I'd like to see an international 'green' law that makes deliberate unnecessary use of energy illegal, so preventing these halfwits from screwing things up just so they can make a couple of quid on their old stock. As an engineer, I always hated (and still do!)...
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    MG4 Range

    sg; given the shutter's role is principally to improve the nose area cd (i still wonder about the 'contribution' of the front wheel 'brake disc vents'...) while giving the NMC battery a good coolant flow, it's even more surprising that the sesr's, with their LiFePo batteries, haven't had the...
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