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  1. E

    System fault fix after 12 V battery disconnection

    Thanks for that - I'll probably do the same. It would be helpful if the owners handbook carried some of these details. Does anybody know what the circuit is that is integral with the clamp as this remains connect when the -VE wire is disconnected?
  2. E

    System fault fix after 12 V battery disconnection

    When you disconnect the 12V battery, do you just disconnect the cable and leave the other connector in place (the one attached to the battery clamp - I don't know what this does) or do the disconnect at the battery clamp so all circuits are dead?
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    Question about tethered chargers

    This is an encouraging development and initially this looked very interesting to me personally but the chargers accepting Fastned are so few and far between that I can't see myself getting much use out of it. That's a pity but it shows that autocharging can be done with many more vehicles than...
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    Energy consumption screen - really?

    Instead of worrying about the 'guess o meter' (GOM) or what comes from regen, I simply divide the mileage by the charge added (from Zappi or commercial charge point) as these are the figures that matter. Over last year this averaged 3.47m/kWh while monthly totals ranged from 2.5 to 4.7 -...
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    Scheduled Charging Solution

    Folks, I also only use the Zappi for scheduled charging (on Eon Next's Drive which gives cheap power between midnight and 7am) and it works fine - with one exception. Zappy's scheduled charging setting is an extension to the solar charging option meaning Zappi only charges when there is...
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    Flood water damage resulting in full battery replacement

    As odd as it may seem, have you tasted the water in the connector? I had a similar problem with water getting into the ECU connector of my old diesel 406. I cleaned and dried it, put tape around everything but it happened again and again until it was almost undriveable. Then, having read...
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    Cobham M25 services for EV charging

    I may have mentioned this before so apologies if so.. The government has introduced new legislation regarding public EV charge points covering pricing and payment methods, availability and customer support as well as open data. Key points include clearly displayed/available pricing per kWh...
  8. E

    How Secure Are MG Cars?

    I have taken the rather retro step of etching the number plate into the front and rear screens plus the side windows. The markings are highlighted on the side windows and if a thief wants to steal my car to sell on, then to prevent the new 'owner' (or a mechanic when it goes for an MOT) finding...
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    MG iSmart 2.0 [merged]

    Thanks JonnyG and mrscooke, I've been trying for 2 days to log into ismart after the update but as the T&C box wasn't visible, I didn't know it needed to be ticked to even start looking for it. Finding somebody else on the forum with exactly the same problem was encouraging and the pictures...
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    Post your MG ZS EV battery SOH data please

    Good news on my MG4 which only had 89% SOH at its first service: I raised my concerns at the dealer's service reception and after checking with the technician I was told that he had made a mistake and it should be 99% - phew! Much happier but will be getting an OBD dongle and reader/app as soon...
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    Post your MG ZS EV battery SOH data please

    Thanks for all your replies and suggestions. Unfortunately it is SOH as SOC was even lower - see pic. I wonder if it makes a difference if the battery is warm when the test is done. It was a cold morning and I only had a couple of miles to drive (in traffic) and parked outside the dealer at...
  12. E

    Post your MG ZS EV battery SOH data please

    Hi, My car has just had its first service at 12,000 miles/1yr and the service sheet shows the SOH is only 89%. This appears to be well below average and it is causing me some concern. I usually charge at home to 80% or about once or twice a month to 100% and have only done about 8 DC charges in...
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    New regs for public EV charge points

    Folks, If you haven’t already seen it already, the government has introduced new legislation regarding public EV charge points covering pricing and payment methods, availability and customer support as well as open data. Key points include clearly displayed/available pricing per kWh, contactless...
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    Government requires vehicle fuel consumption data

    Beggars belief doesn't it!
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    Government requires vehicle fuel consumption data

    Well folks, with a lead from Ian Key, I have found that there is a requirement for dealers to collect real world fuel consumption data on new cars and vans for the purpose of CO2 monitoring - which it appears the UK is 'obliged' to collect. See attached. However, following a quick scan, I can...
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    Government requires vehicle fuel consumption data

    tsedge: Nor could I but I don't always know where to look or what to type into the search bar as these things are often written in impenetrable legal speak.
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    Government requires vehicle fuel consumption data

    PristDean: I see your point
  18. E

    BP pulse……

    Indeed they do - when ICE drivers don't park in the charging point spaces. Have used them a couple of times on longer trips. I think the likes of McDonalds are making a far better job of building a nationwide charging network than the oil companies.
  19. E

    BP pulse……

    My local Shell Recharge point has been out of service for so long it no longer appears on ZapMap.
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