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  1. E

    Government requires vehicle fuel consumption data

    Interesting: Will ask questions when I drop the car off.
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    BP pulse……

    Why the government or councils look to the fossil fuel companies to provide EV charging networks is beyond me.
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    Government requires vehicle fuel consumption data

    My Trophy finally goes in for three software updates on Friday and the dealer has an on-line 'check in' which has to be completed prior to the work being carried out. The final page of the check-in requires a 'signature' carries this message: 'We are required by law to read, download and share...
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    Professional undersealing company with EV experience

    Thanks for all you comments/questions. From the top: No, not at Marinello's Yes, I checked with the dealer and have it in an email and that's the reason I opted for the clear Waxoyl rather than the black. If the battery lasts 1,000 cycles then corrosion could easily be the killer. Other...
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    Professional undersealing company with EV experience

    A quick update as after a break to recover from an eye operation, I have now had my MG4 Trophy Waxoyled via a company called Automotive Protective Solutions ( which works with number of specialists across the UK. While this is not the most onerous of jobs, it has to be...
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    From Last Charge not resetting

    Kithmo, Thanks for the suggestion, I just tried it and yes it can be reset manually - if I remember. However, this is the first (and second) time it hasn't done it automatically so I don't know what has changed. As I said initially, it is (was) annoying but not critical and does not cause other...
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    From Last Charge not resetting

    Hi Rip Van and thanks for your input. Yes the % and range do look normal and appear to be reflecting what's happening, it's just the mileage that is inaccurate. It also makes me wonder is the miles/kWh is for the whole 356 miles or potentially since the last charge as it does move quite a bit...
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    From Last Charge not resetting

    Thanks for the feedback - it appears all is not lost. Did it start resetting again by itself or did you need to do something to prompt it?
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    From Last Charge not resetting

    The 'From Last Charge' display has not reset for the last two charges so as you can see from the pic, I've done 356 miles and still have 69% charge (I wish). When it didn't reset on the first charge I thought I'd try it again next time to see if it worked - but no. It is not the end of the...
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    MG4 easy to steal?

    I use a Faraday box to store the keys and have also etched the number plate into the car's windows as this makes it much harder/more expensive to change the car's identity and any mismatch would be obvious to dealers, MOT technicians, police...
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    MG4 & Ohme Home Pro Charging Rate?

    Interesting how the same car and the same charger can have a spread of efficiency. I am beginning to notice a similar trend with our Zappi as in Eco mode it only draws about 1.4kW and then adds in any surplus power from our solar panels. It appears (more trials needed) that on fast charge the...
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    MG4 & Ohme Home Pro Charging Rate?

    Thanks siteguru and sorry if you had to repeat yourself. Very helpful explanation. I had noticed that the cable to the charger and the charger to the car gets warm charger and that the rate of charge on the charger display is lower than the charging power shown on the MG app and this now gives...
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    MG4 & Ohme Home Pro Charging Rate?

    Hi siteguru, great table. Can I ask what type of charger are you using for the 34p charges - granny or 7kW wall box or a mix? And are the differences in efficiency due to temperature or different chargers? Finally, are your stored kWh figures a measurement or a calculation? Thanks
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    Committing suicide plugging in...

    What gets me is why those filling their cars with petrol/diesel get to do so under cover while drivers wanting to connect their EV have to do so in the open!
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    MG4 Equalisation Charge

    Not sure which you mean but my car is an MG4 Trophy and the charge point will be a Zappi 2.1.
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    MG4 Equalisation Charge

    Thanks folks, This seems to start making sense now. I am having a Zappi fitted on Monday and will try out the 80% and 100% charging tests very soon and report back (if nobody's beaten me to it!).
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    MG4 Equalisation Charge

    I bow to your greater knowledge however, I see no harm in testing the 80% + 'balance' procedure followed the full 100%. If it appears to work I will look to extend the 100% charging intervals and keep a close eye on how long the balancing phases take as well as how much energy they consume.
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    MG4 Equalisation Charge

    When I charged mine, my initial thought was that it was battery equalisation and with a sophisticated charger there is no reason why it couldn't do an equalisation charge at any required state of charge. I guess the thing to do is to charge to 80% and let it do its 'balancing' thing. Once it...
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    Locked out of iSMART

    That gives me some hope but at the moment mine is still locked. Will try again later. Eureka! Managed to log back on to the app after my wife found the password (I had written it down, just lost track of the piece of paper) and the 24 hour lockout had expired. And no, this didn't happen while...
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    Locked out of iSMART

    Dan C and Eber, Thanks for the input and suggestions. My account is also locked for today but will have another go tomorrow and if that fails will look to re-register using my instead of email phone and then ask MG to unbind my car from the email based account.
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