Hi , l would have thought if you were going to sell a product you should be ready to go with all aspects , from the car to the service plan . Giving them the benefit of the doubt for a couple of weeks if nothing by then l will sort my own plan out with MG directly l think .
I have contacted Bristol Street regarding pricing and they say they will beat the MG price when they are ready to release their service plan deal, personally l would have thought it should have been prepared to be released same time as the cars went on sale , but what do l know ?♂️
Service 1 shown as £163.48
Service 2 shown as £429.42
Service 3 shown as £362.82
Service 4 shown as £940.79
As l said this is taken from a service plan quote off the official MG website .
Have been looking at getting a service plan for my MG3 Trophy on the MG website. Everything seems acceptable price wise until the year 4 service which is priced at £940 .
This obviously seems expensive but does anyone on here know why it’s so much , is it something to do with the battery ?
Thanks for your reply Keith , very detailed and reassuring. Think l will be sending for one from Amazon soon , got to wait till end of June to get my MG , so frustrating lol. Thanks again ?
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