Yes that makes sense as timing belts can last anything from 40k upwards. So does this mean as part of the MG service at 4 years they replace it regardless? As some timing belts can last a lot more than 40k
Had another test drive this time everything was fine! Was a lovely drive actually really easy to drive to (never driven an automatic before) took it out for about 20 mins without the salesman but when they asked it I wanted one I said I’ll think about it ? (they didn’t know I’ve already ordered...
Morning Keith, yes that’s what I was thinking to after having an evening to reflect on things actually! That’s very true Hybrid is quite a tried and tested form of technology. I may see if I can get another test drive today from a different branch and see how it goes. I use the ACC pretty much...
Yes that’s what I’m thinking I’m guessing though as the car belongs to MG and not a customer they’ll fix it no matter what I assume ?
I think maybe I need to take a back seat and let the car prove reliability for the next few months I normally don’t buy a car that’s just realised as I get...
As you all probably know i ordered our new MG3 hybrid, I finally had a test drive of it today which was an experience to say the least!
The car at first was lovely to drive and smooth which was great I was happy with that! We came up to a roundabout and the car flashed a big red banner for less...
Yeah I agree with this I actually looked into this ready and servicing is actually astronomical sadly! Maybe because it’s a hybrid? I’m not sure why it’s a lot but the prices I was quoted were the same as mentioned in here.
My local dealer does offer a service plan for 3 years servicing which...
Great thanks Andy ☺️ I’ve booked a test drive tomorrow just to see how it drives but everyone compliments in so actually looking forward to it will report back but obviously I’ve done things slightly backwards ordered car then test drive second lol ?
Hi Ann, that’s great thanks for sharing that with me sounds like it’s a great little car ? I’ve literally ordered the same model you have and colour I really like the look of the white actually ? I’m so glad it’s good to drive as like you I’ve had the big big brands in the past Nissan, Toyota...
Perfect thanks Keith that’s good to hear I should probably book a test drive really as never driving a car like this before not even an EV so might be completely different ?
Thanks Clive that’s good to know actually I’m only 5ft 6 but a little heavier 14 stone I’m sure it will be fine I’m overthinking things as per usual lol!!
Oh no ? the dealer actually kept one in reserve for me because I was uuming and aaring all last week but finally done it. Hope you get yours soon ? seem to be selling like hotcakes don’t they?! Just checking too is the front drivers space spacious? Like it’s not cramped or anything that was one...
Can I be added to this list too please I’ve taken the plunge ☺️ should have in around a week the dealer thinks.
Sczoo, SE in White, Cardiff date to collect: 11/07/24
Ok so I’ve jumped in the deep end!! I’ve ordered mine went for white SE trim as seems to have everything I wanted - hope ive made the right choice ? should have it in around a week.
Hi all,
I’ve been following this forum for a little while and seriously considering getting an MG3 SE I’d like to ask as owners if you’ve noticed any issues with yours? I know it’s early days as it’s so new but just to help push me over the line and buy one ? I’ve looked at tones of video...
Thanks all for your advice really appreciate them, I think I’m gonna have to rethink it over from what your saying, I mean my current car isn’t exactly old it’s 2023 plate with 6.2k on the clock but really did want to go for an EV but your probably right with my setup living in a terraced street...
That’s great thanks everyone :) really helpful glad to hear that my low mileage shouldn’t affect the car which is reassuring to say the least!
Yep the charging thing can be a bit of a pain but with the low mileage I use a car for I’m sure it will be fine if only they invented something for...
Hi all,
Sorry if this has been asked so many times but as most of you already own an MG4 I thought it’s best to ask owners as opposed to the salesman at our local MG dealership.
I’ve always looked to making the switch to EV I don’t use my current car a lot (Hyundai Bayon mild hybrid) so I’d...
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