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  1. M

    Paying Electroverse through Octopus Energy account

    That icon means you have it set up to take payments to Electroverse for charging from your Octopus account (jn my experience, it was taken from Octopus credit). The problem I have is that Electroverse has removed that payment method, without telling me or explaining why. i've been an Octopus...
  2. M

    Paying Electroverse through Octopus Energy account

    Has anyone else found the option to pay Electroverse from their Octopus Energy account has been removed?
  3. M

    Tomato Energy

    Finally received my first bill from Tomato this morning, for October - the switch was on 30th September. I've been monitoring my usage figures from my SMETS2 meter with the Loop app; that records usage but can't calculate cost for time of use tariffs, so I'm pleased to find that the bill is...
  4. M

    Diagnostic VDI, VNCI, MDI with MG4

    I'm one of several Trophy owners who've had the r63 update (see the Software Update thread), but I think you may be the only one who's had the T-Box updated too. Has the Bluetooth pairing issue gone away on your car? I'm asking because the evidence seems to be that r63 doesn't fix it, so I...
  5. M

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I have used Bluetooth in all my cars for about the last 12 years, so that I can just get in with my phone in my pocket, knowing that when it rings I can answer handsfree. That's what Bluetooth connectivity in cars was introduced for; it's disappointing that SAIC seem to have difficulty making...
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    MG4 Software Update Thread

    SNAP (almost!) Mine went in for the same issues last week, and came out with the exact same versions you now have. The only difference to yours is that I had FICM 1300r40 / / 42121 before. I asked for a before and after list of software module versions, but was told they weren't...
  7. M

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I had some software updates done under warranty on my 3 month old Trophy last week; infotainment went from r40 to r63, which brought several improvements. However, Bluetooth still won't remember a paired phone for long. Does anyone here know whether that's an issue with FICM or some other module?
  8. M

    Tomato Energy

    What I'm liking about Tomato Energy is that, so far, it's been free! I switched from Octopus Go at the end of September and have yet to receive a bill, so at this point I've had 70 days electricity from them without payment. MyWatts shows estimated data (which is utterly wrong) for the first...
  9. M

    On the road charging

    That's a very useful link, thank you. If I understand it correctly, it means that existing public Tesla Superchargers will have to offer contactless within 12 months of opening the site to non-Tesla EVs: "Proprietary charge point networks which subsequently open for public use have one year to...
  10. M

    On the road charging

    Showing as open to all on the website
  11. M

    On the road charging

    In September, 3 weeks after taking delivery of the car, we did virtually the same trip, but the other way round. If I had seen your post before you went I would have suggested the Tesla superchargers at Amesbury; only 48p when we used them, and so fast the car was charged before our lunch was...
  12. M

    Tomato Energy

    I get electricity from Tomato, gas from Octopus. I was on a dual fuel deal with Octopus, then switched electricity to Tomato.
  13. M

    Tomato Energy

    30 days now since I switched from Octopus Go to Tomato Lifestyle EV. What's happened so far?........nothing! Took a meter reading late evening (about 11pm) on 30/9 as requested, sent it to Tomato. Octopus seem to have a smart meter reading from the changeover point midnight 30/9 which is 1kwh...
  14. M

    Updates on my MG4

    SE or Trophy?
  15. M

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I haven't got round to contacting the dealer yet. Must do it, the car forgot my phone again this morning!
  16. M

    UK domestic socket charging

    The sparky is right, but, in the circumstances you've described, I don't see any reason not to use the granny at home until your charger is installed. The main issue you're likely to face is the long time it takes to charge. Just be aware that a granny doesn't have the safety features of a...
  17. M

    Headlights - turning left

    There's a thread on here from last year about Trophy Headlamp Adjustment that shows how to adjust dipped beam and high beam aim separately.
  18. M

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Exactly the same issues on my ER Trophy, new 6 weeks ago - r40, lost Bluetooth once so far, ACC 5mph steps and slowing on bends. Also a bulge in the undertray from new. I put it down to the car having been built over a year ago, according to the Type certificate, so needs updating. Need to book...
  19. M

    Headlights - turning left

    Its one of he first things I noticed when driving mine in the dark, the day I got it. Didn't realise how good it was to have cornering lights (on my last car) until they weren't there (on the MG4). Only had the car 6 weeks, and already wondering if aftermarket accessories might become...
  20. M

    UK domestic socket charging

    My understanding is that: IF your electricity supply uses TNCS earthing, AND is capable of handling the additional 7kw on top of the existing load, AND there is a spare way in the consumer unit for the necessary dedicated radial circuit, AND a suitable PEN protection device (such as the Matt:e...
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