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  1. nanomad

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Well, if the car is still under warranty (remember, infotainment and driving assists are only covered for 3 years out of the 7) You first reproduce the issue and take video or photo evidence of it (MG will require it later) You follow the estabilished diagnostic procedure (there are 3 "books"...
  2. nanomad

    Printout of computerised PDI record

    Feel free to reach out in private and I can get you the official record for that car logged on the MG system. EDIT: just realized you were talking about a PDI and not a regular maintenance, those are not visibile
  3. nanomad

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    That's not part of the revised maintenace check sheet anymore. Any service will strictly follow that. That's definitely an issue MG is aware of, latest SIPS release can cache large files offline prior to connecting to a car for that exact reason.
  4. nanomad

    Is there a way to read battery state in kWh?

    I wrote the code ;) The API reports all cars having a 72.5kWh battery capacity and all kWh mesures reported are referring to that capacity. My code then rescales those to the net battery capacity published by MG for that specific model
  5. nanomad

    Is there a way to read battery state in kWh?

    There's no such reading of kWh in the official diagnostic tool as well. You have raw battery SoC% and its displayed SoC%
  6. nanomad

    HVAC temp

    Ah totally different hardware as well I think, here's my SIPS report (didn't grab the VDS one unfortunately)
  7. nanomad

    Diagnostic VDI, VNCI, MDI with MG4

    If you need to use sips and such your best bet is a VNCI VDI3. You can easily buy one on AliExpress
  8. nanomad

    HVAC temp

    Just checked mine and HVAC set point matches FICM UI, I bet it's something they introduced during the last update. Which HAVC modules versions are you running?
  9. nanomad

    HVAC temp

    I'm going to check mine tomorrow as it doesn't have the HVAC update applied yet. Usually you have this offset on a ice car where the probe sits closer to the hvac unit and by the time air gets into the cabin it has been heated by the surrounding environment. On an ev it makes zero sense
  10. nanomad

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Please be aware that you MUST only flash the proper SWI version corresponding to your system. Other SWI may refer to totally different car models (that syntax is used by MG since the ZS facelift)
  11. nanomad

    Accident due to TJA/ACC use.

    Yeah my24 definitely have different modules version, sometimes even hardware wise (I didn't bother checking if the hardware ID stayed the same)
  12. nanomad

    The SE 1100R38 Infotainment Thread

    Nice to see that you got the sensors upgrade, hopefully they did the BCM as well (if it wasn't done before). Looking forward to your impressions on lka now
  13. nanomad

    Diagnostic VDI, VNCI, MDI with MG4

    You should register as a business to RMI, it's in the registration page. Then with a business account you can buy the diagnostic rights which gives access to SIPS and VDI
  14. nanomad

    Accident due to TJA/ACC use.

    I don't understand why you keep comparing the Android release to the LKA behaviour. It's just wrong. LKA behaviour depends mainly on the BCM module firmware and calibration settings followed closely by the FDR FICM (The tablet) updates do not require, per se, any other updates to be performed...
  15. nanomad

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Indeed, plus some SIPS update "silently fail" to update or completely fail without reason (e.g. the EVCC one or the HVAC one)
  16. nanomad

    Accident due to TJA/ACC use.

    Yes MY24 has a different versioning sequence of the infotainment OS so you can't really compare R30 of EU MY 24 (SWI133) with R59 of EU MY22 and 23 (SWI68). The versioning goes SWI[VARIANT]-[PROBABLY_HW_VERSION]-[TRIM]R[RELEASE_VERSION] Where VARIANT indentifies a set of hardcoded...
  17. nanomad

    Accident due to TJA/ACC use.

    My24 come out of the box with the ev planner, for my22 and 23 you have to install infotainment R59 or later.
  18. nanomad

    Accident due to TJA/ACC use.

    It used to give directions in english only, infotainment for MY24 has the italian localization for turn-by-turn guidance.
  19. nanomad

    Aggressive Turtle / Low Power mode after last dealership visit

    More than happy to run some queries and see what comes up, you can pm me If you want
  20. nanomad

    LKA new software

    Unfortunately the in-car infotainment won't show any useful version. I'm betting it's either a BCM update or an FDR one. To figure out which updates have been applied I can look by either VIN or country + date of service (or range of dates) + model year
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