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  1. B

    2024 - OVMS and MG5

    Hi Pepplefeline, did you get this working? To be honest i haven't used OVMS for monitoring charging, only loading the battery % into the charger. Auto polling always triggers the alarm for me when the car is charging, so tend not to use it.
  2. B

    2024 - OVMS and MG5

    Hi Peter, thanks for getting back to me and apologies for the delay (missed the notification). Turned out to actually be a faulty OVMS. New one installed tonight and receiving some data through. Checked the API and seems to be pulling through majority of the data which is great. Still having...
  3. B

    2024 - OVMS and MG5

    Hi Jan, did you have any issues setting up the OVMS for MG5? I've got mine set up, receiving status updates on the OVMS itself, but not receiving any SOC data. Did you have to do anything outside the guides to get it working? I've tried it with manual polling enabled, and disabled, and whilst...
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