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  1. D

    MG5 complete failure after wet road

    But the HV pack itself is on the bottom of the car, hopefully MG's are better sealed than Teslas which have valves in the pack and have indeed suffered with water ingress, mind you the tesla ones seem a bit of an odd design that seems to get full of dirt and then not close properly.
  2. D

    MG5 complete failure after wet road

    I'd be more worried about a bad seal on the battery, if waters gotten in there then it's a major problem. Given the location on the bottom of the car you'd like to hope the batteries are well protected against water ingress but that's not always a given.
  3. D

    How Secure Are MG Cars?

    Rumor is the Hyundai one isn't even relay theft, sounds like the algorithm for generating the codes has been cracked and there's now a device that can emulate the key using the probes the car sends out when looking for the key to know which response to send back.
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    Tesla Supercharger Issue MG5 LR

    Is your car the facelift or prefacelift?
  5. D

    Ohme home pro charger & Pre FL MG5

    As a very, very rough rule for the PFL LR 10% = 6KW (57KW usable battery, but some charging losses.etc). That's what I usually work to when I'm setting a charge limit in HASS for my EO charger.
  6. D

    MG 5 - Car "dies" in traffic queue with manual parking brake applied

    I'm not sure if it will do it when just on the parking brake for long enough, but I've had a case where my car was stopped a while in a traffic jam on cruise control and it eventually auto applied the parking brake and took itself out of drive. You can definitely sit with it in Drive and on the...
  7. D

    Ventilation / Condensation

    Does it perhaps depend on if it's an Exclusive vs Exite? Mine it displays a temperature set point when you turn the temp knob, although at some point I really need to put a thermometer in the cabin and see if it's anywhere near where it claims.
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    LED bulb upgrades for SE & Trophy.

    I'd probably only bother to do it on mine if I needed to change a bulb anyway, couldn't tell much of a difference between the LED and non LED bulb as long as it's the right colour and not worse for dazzeling the car behind and is legal I don't really see much of a reason not to swap them if...
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    LED bulb upgrades for SE & Trophy.

    I know for some lights you're not allowed to change them to LED, but Is that just the headlights?
  10. D

    Camera problems

    I've had it not come on before, also sometimes see a line of interference on the image from I think the brake lights coming on. The cameras position also makes it easy for it to get covered in grime or the odd water droplet rendering it useless.
  11. D

    Tesla Supercharger Issue MG5 LR

    Seems to vary depending on which dealer you get, when mine was serviced in dec I was told it didn't need any updates. I should plug the OBD2 dongle I have in at some point and see if I can get the current version numbers.
  12. D

    Tesla Supercharger Issue MG5 LR

    Good to know there is an update to the prefacelift 5, although trying to convince the dealer to do it seems to be half the struggle.
  13. D

    Tesla Supercharger Issue MG5 LR

    I've emailed the dealer I bought the car from originally as they were quite helpful in getting the "check HV battery" problems I had with it initially so will see if they're more useful.
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    Tesla Supercharger Issue MG5 LR

    Well as expected my preface lift 5 still doesn't work on superchargers. Dealer claimed mine didn't need any updates when it went in Dec, but I'm not convinced they either didn't check for all optional updates or they were telling porkies. Tesla app just sits there on "Plug in to start"
  15. D

    Tesla Supercharger Issue MG5 LR

    Possibly, could also be Left hand doesn't know what Right hand is doing, see it all the time in organisations of all sizes.
  16. D

    So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night ...

    I think that's Wh/mile rather than kWh per mile?
  17. D

    MG5 slow charge only

    Regardless if it's 7 or 11kw it's still going to take several hours to charge a car with low SOC, AC charging is more for destination charging (e.g makes sense at a shopping centre/retail park, at a restaurant or cinema.etc). If you need to charge whilst you wait then you want to use a rapid.
  18. D

    Looking at a 22 plate MG5 LR (pre faceliift) with a curious history

    Not sure about dealer policies but I had an old banger a few years back, and it was cheaper to insure fully comp than it was for 3rd party + fire and theft.
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    Looking at a 22 plate MG5 LR (pre faceliift) with a curious history

    Used as a Demonstrator/courtesy car for a while perhaps?
  20. D

    TPMS sensor replacement cost

    Probably 1/2 hr or 1hr labour rate.
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