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  1. DelBoy

    Issue with AC charging/New CCU fitted (Phase One SE LR)

    1. Maybe 2. More than likely - Up to 2 months depending on availability of spares 3. Insist on it (but don't be too hopeful on a replacement EV). Yes under warranty 4. Check a DC charger to see if it charges (Probably will) and repeat above stated in #1, you may have to wait to get the car into...
  2. DelBoy

    Issue with AC charging/New CCU fitted (Phase One SE LR)

    Normally the DC charging issue is a software patch, so here hoping. On my AC charging side it is good news as it seems to be doing just fine and charging like a goodun'
  3. DelBoy

    Issue with AC charging/New CCU fitted (Phase One SE LR)

    Charged to 100% overnight, quite a lot of low charge after the 7kW boost, so I'm guessing that that was the balancing bit, all went well and I assume now that the CCU change and all the updates have now given me a battery EV car that I paid for, maybe!
  4. DelBoy

    Issue with AC charging/New CCU fitted (Phase One SE LR)

    Oh, ATM I am looking at balancing and I use a zappi so the charge is regulated by that, I will have a go another time on that little number
  5. DelBoy

    Issue with AC charging/New CCU fitted (Phase One SE LR)

    Got car back today, CCU changed, tried to charge, seemed ok over short period, have set up for a 100% overnight to balance etc. R46 on the infotainment system, good large buttons on the aircon page. not gone too far into it but all seems good. Time will tell ?
  6. DelBoy

    Issue with AC charging/New CCU fitted (Phase One SE LR)

    OBTW I had a MG4 SE as a courtesy car, no oily ICE, one small consolation
  7. DelBoy

    Issue with AC charging/New CCU fitted (Phase One SE LR)

    So I have rung the dealer, now at the dealers for 2 months awaiting a CCU, it seems the CCU is in and going to be fitted this week, here's hoping ?
  8. DelBoy

    Issue with AC charging/New CCU fitted (Phase One SE LR)

    It seems CCU's are a rare breed, mine needs a CCU and has been put on 'Back Order', no idea when the delivery of this item will become available :-(
  9. DelBoy

    Issue with AC charging/New CCU fitted (Phase One SE LR)

    Not sure date as in garage atm, but picked up on 9th March 2023, Zappi v2.1, Octopus normal rate but since car in garage moved to Intelligent Octopus Go
  10. DelBoy

    Issue with AC charging/New CCU fitted (Phase One SE LR)

    Finally, the garage contacted me and stated it was the CCU and that would be replaced, quelle surprise! The replacement would be available/fitted on Friday (2nd Feb). Will see if that is the case as others have stated that the spare CCU's will not be in the country until the 3rd. Hope this...
  11. DelBoy

    Issue with AC charging/New CCU fitted (Phase One SE LR)

    Spoke to the garage today, yes they may take 24 hours to respond, but MG UK keep asking for one test at a time, so ensure the plug is held in the car, 24 hours later another single test, and another, how is this time effective. I'm not normally Mr despondent but this is death by a thousand cuts
  12. DelBoy

    Issue with AC charging/New CCU fitted (Phase One SE LR)

    And if all of us with problems with the CCU (I have similar problem with Phase 1 Trophy) there will be a shortage of these items. My car has been in the garage for 3 weeks and have not heard anything yet, but I do have a courtesy car, same type so not as bad but this whole MG approval thing is...
  13. DelBoy

    Issue with AC charging/New CCU fitted (Phase One SE LR)

    Have just spoken to dealer, stated that MG technical suggested changing a fuse which the dealer did, tried to charge Ok but overnight the fault re-appeared and dealer went back to MG technical for the next suggestion. Does no one have any experience with fault diagnosis anymore, MG seem to not...
  14. DelBoy

    Charger + Octopus, recommended combos please.

    Blimey, hope your socket in the house is coping with the Granny charger. I have a Zappi with solar and have just jumped onto Intelligent Octopus Go, I'm quite impress with it, quite often you get extra time at the cheaper rate (7.5p kw/h). The control of the charger is effectively handed over...
  15. DelBoy

    Issue with AC charging/New CCU fitted (Phase One SE LR)

    I think that is a bit harsh, not all dealers are tarred with the same brush. Admittedly on the sales side this may be the case, but if a repair garage is attached then it is in their best interested to keep updating etc as they get work form MG in form of warranty work
  16. DelBoy

    Issue with AC charging/New CCU fitted (Phase One SE LR)

    Oh, I cannot select it on this MG4, not sure why. Was sort of aware of the ability to charge LFP batteries to 100%
  17. DelBoy

    Issue with AC charging/New CCU fitted (Phase One SE LR)

    Not sure why your cars only go to 97%, mine does go to 100%, at the moment mine is in the garage awaiting a response from MG UK, the symptoms were, on AC charge then stop, charge then stop, repeat, and the charger socket did not have any lights to show SOC. I did have a loaner MG4 so that is a...
  18. DelBoy

    Issue with AC charging/New CCU fitted (Phase One SE LR)

    Ok, my trophy has been into the garage to fix the charge once and stop. Confirmed by the garage, then some updates done, well a lot really. These are the modules updated (I did have an update to fix the DC charging issue on the EVCC previously): BMS, BCM, CCU, EVCC, IMCU. Tested Ok, further...
  19. DelBoy

    Issue with AC charging/New CCU fitted (Phase One SE LR)

    I tried the same, but the charge stopped after less than a minute, so no joy there, garage tomorrow, hopefully some news then
  20. DelBoy

    Issue with AC charging/New CCU fitted (Phase One SE LR)

    I have also been down to 10 miles left in the battery (2% or so) let's not make excuses for a batch issue, which, thankfully should/will be sorted under warranty. The operating range of systems should be tested, and the MG4 is not new as a system, it was in China for a while previously known as...
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