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  1. DelBoy

    Failed Gridserv/ABB charging in MG4

    So I started it with the infotainment system, but I have never had this issue before. I have had R33 and associated updated done since I last used a charger, it is booked into dealer so will keep you informed.
  2. DelBoy

    CCS Communications Problems

    So I tried 3 different grid serve chargers, a BP charger, 3 more grid serve chargers, and a Podpoint chargers, none worked and the last one I took a screen shot of the failure: I tried to lock car, start charging on infotainment, plus others, ended up waiting 2 hours in service station for a...
  3. DelBoy

    Failed Gridserv/ABB charging in MG4

    So I tried 3 different grid serve chargers, a BP charger, 3 more grid serve chargers, and a Podpoint chargers, none worked and the last one I took a screen shot of the failure:
  4. DelBoy

    CCS Communications Problems

    Has anyone had an issue with the CCS not communicating with the charger therefore no CCS charging. I have tried 7 different chargers (CCS) and all state that the car had an internal issue and some state that the car is not communicating with the charger. I have charged with a wall charger and...
  5. DelBoy

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    As an EV owner and I owe that to Fully Charged and the Live Show it does get irksome to keep hearing this total tosh from people such as the Daily Mail and Rowan Atkinson. Keep up the voice of reason.
  6. DelBoy

    Improving interior lighting in MG4

    Hi, done interior light upgrade with LED's but be warned, if you push too hard to fit the new bulbs the socket can shoot up into the void above the bulb, took me quite a few attempts to get the socket back.... be warned
  7. DelBoy

    Amazon music

    After reading the thread here, and my Android Auto never really connected my Samsung S10, it would just connect, not upload the map and disconnect and not allow any reconnection I tried a different cable (short [about 4"]) and behold it worked, I can only assume that the data speed required...
  8. DelBoy

    Would you buy an MG 4 again?

  9. DelBoy

    First experience of public charging...

    I have used public chargers a few times, motorway ones are normally contactless which have not been a problem. Once you get into the sticks then it can be a bit of a an issue if you do not have a Type 2 cable (MG 4 supplied with granny lead only) as this can limit your charger selection. The...
  10. DelBoy

    New MG4 Shipment?

    Just saw a car transporter going North on the M5 at Bristol with MG4's on it, it could be you!
  11. DelBoy

    MG4 - Am I right in thinking this could be the right fit for me?

    Each day will get you say 6.5 kwh times 4 hours = 26kwh. Worse case about 2.5 m/kwh (winter) equals 65 miles. At the end of the week you would need to fast charge to full (30 minutes - Trophy or LR SE). Summer 6.5 times 24 = 26kwh, 4 m/kwh (Summer) equals 104 miles no problem. Go for it, you...
  12. DelBoy

    Having problems getting more than 3 kw when charging mg4 on our wall charger

    Not sure if this helps but if you switch the charger off, check the plug resis1.5ktance between the PP Pin and Earth, if it has a higher resistance (1.5 k Ohms) then that will restrict the charge speed to 3kw. Open cct will stop the charger but there may be a higher resistance there. Make sure...
  13. DelBoy

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I am on R24, can anyone tell me the differences from that to R33 or even R36, there must be a list of the changes somewhere. Does anyone have any idea???
  14. DelBoy

    MG4 is a huge leap forward

    I agree with all the above, I went to the Fully Charged show a year back, test drove the EV6, Kona, and MG5, could not see £20k extra for the EV6 albeit a lovely car was worth it. The the MG4 came out and test drove that, it was a no brainer. 2k miles, fast charging, quick off the mark...
  15. DelBoy


    As an update, the iDumb is now working again after a week offline. I use it to see how the solar is charging etc. One thing I did notice was that it reset the max charge to 100% when it was not working so you may need to check this.
  16. DelBoy


    My iDumb has stopped working this past week, showing the same GPS not working and no information on the car or battery. I have unlocked and locked the car, it does annoy me that there is no way to find out what the issue is as this may help to resolve the problem. Any further ideas?
  17. DelBoy

    Positive Vibes for the MG4

    I have the Trophy, done 4 long trips and several shorter, 1500 miles, some things a bit quirky but overall very good and very high on the smug meter as I can charge off solar when at home. The added bonus is that it is quick off the mark. The winter range can be down to 160 miles but if you...
  18. DelBoy

    Solar charging

    Eco+, so I go to 90% on the leaf charge (sot sure what it is called) so the grid will help a little if it falls below 1.4kw, also allows the system to start charging earlier and later from solar and a little help if other things are being used (Basically any solar above 1.2kw will charge the...
  19. DelBoy

    Solar charging

    Hi I have a zappi and solar panels. Nothing more smug than drive solely off solar. Did a long run (240 miles mostly motorway getting approx 3kwh/mile [distance chargers - expensive]) a few days ago, got back with 34 miles in reserve, left for a day then up to 100 miles just off solar which you...
  20. DelBoy

    Best Electric?

    Very funny..... April Fool!
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