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  1. DelBoy

    Battery consumption vs. daily average temperature

    Just did a drive south (13 Mar) on the M56/6/5 in driving rain, approx 30-40 mph head/cross winds, 8 Degs, 70 mph speed, got about 2,5-2.8m/kWh, slowed down to 65mph, entered road works, traffic jam etc then approx 2.9-3m kWh. If you need to extend the journey slow down a little. Went the...
  2. DelBoy

    Should we be worried? ?

    I ordered my MG4 in Sep 22, got it a few days back, driven it 100 miles or so, done some normal road and motorway driving, really special drive, getting used to it but wow, great car. Floor pan ok, no apparent oil leak, only little thing is Android auto keeps dropping out, prob fix in due...
  3. DelBoy

    Delivery soon.

    Ordered Sep 22, collecting 8th Wed, Red Trophy, hope it all goes well!!!
  4. DelBoy

    Post your favourite joke! Keep it clean and PC!

    How many MG's does it take to fill a small car park? Stupid question, it'll never happen, they're all stuck on a ship, not built, lost in the computer system, .... fill in your own issue......................
  5. DelBoy

    Any late Nov/Early Dec orderers know where their car is yet?

    I ordered mine end of Sep 22, still not got it so trying to patient. The dealers (sales teams) will tell you anything, ultimately they have recently had no clue what was going on, only now that the MG car tracking software update is complete do they have a better picture but it is a new system...
  6. DelBoy

    New MG4 Shipment?

    Quick walk around Portbury, lots of cars now gone, car park empty compared to last piccy, but there are still a lot of MG4s awaiting delivery to dealers
  7. DelBoy

    What are MG telling Us About Their Delivery/Track Software Update

    I have prodded a few times, no luck, but careful now what you wish for as I do not want it before 1st Mar 23
  8. DelBoy

    What are MG telling Us About Their Delivery/Track Software Update

    Just read this on another thread, hope it is true, but not too quick as I would like a 73 plate: Just be for a visit to my MG dealership in Aberdeen, they are expecting the computers to be up & running on Wednesday this week ?,also said that there will be close on 12,000 car imported this month...
  9. DelBoy

    What are MG telling Us About Their Delivery/Track Software Update

    So a lot of peeps have their car in the dealership, in the show room, other peeps looking around it, not too good that really! But back to the original question, does anyone have any idea on the software that MG use to distribute and register cars, I'm assuming that it is now fixed as everyone...
  10. DelBoy

    What are MG telling Us About Their Delivery/Track Software Update

    And the registration and final hand over?
  11. DelBoy

    What are MG telling Us About Their Delivery/Track Software Update

    Just a new thread to see what are MG telling everyone about their Failed Car Delivery/Tracking software update, and does anyone know what is going on with this botched update and are people getting any deliveries of their cars? My dealer is unsure of very much and just playing off the benefit...
  12. DelBoy

    New MG4 Shipment?

    DON PASQUALE - 19th ish of Feb
  13. DelBoy

    New MG4 Shipment?

    No but elsewhere on this forum said that it has been 3 weeks so far and maybe another week, who knows and if they do no one is saying
  14. DelBoy

    MG ZS EV Shipping Updates

    The shipping is only part of the job, registering and getting car to dealer seems to be quite high on the getting a car process. So I have just been in touch with the dealer who should be supplying my MG4, his response does fill me with trepidation as he said that the MG tracking/registering...
  15. DelBoy

    New MG4 Shipment?

    So I have just been in touch with the dealer who should be supplying my MG4, his response does fill me with trepidation as he said that the MG tracking/registering dealers software update completion has been delayed. How amazing that MG cannot seem to get this together and get a grip. Been...
  16. DelBoy

    Should a new MG4 Trophy come with the Type 2, Granny and V2L cables ?

    I am told mine is coming with a Granny. Also see this checklist for thing to check on collecting you new MG Luck you, I ordered in Sept and not got it yet
  17. DelBoy

    New MG4 Shipment?

    The first batch of MG's landed at Southampton
  18. DelBoy

    New MG4 Shipment?

    They use many different ones, the SAIC ships were built for SAIC, but they do not have enough. The 2 ships in bound to the UK as far as I can tell are Tarifa (6th Feb) and Durban Highway (23rd Feb) both at Portbury Docks. Both doing the onward journey of Zeebrugge.
  19. DelBoy

    Zappi Charging Overriding the MG4 Schedule

    Hi, Zappi will not export solar to the car unless it is over 1.4kW.
  20. DelBoy

    New MG4 Shipment?

    when did you order your? Looking good though
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