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  1. S

    Finally found a well designed cable protector.

    Haha brother will do for me thanks :-) Not sure whether to be flattered. offended or what!! :-)
  2. S

    BYD dealership

    Seem to be 20 or more within about 3 - 4 miles or less of Stockport on Electroverse, though not so many on the Bramhall side. The mosque at Cheadle has some...
  3. S

    Summers here Part 2

    Way pre EV I used to tug a caravan down to Le Mans for the 24h race ( - anyone watch it this weekend just gone?). It was a lovely run through villages and tree lined country roads, such that when they opened the peage (I think beyond Rouen - the road to Rouen was free, as it so often is :-) )...
  4. S

    Temperature Sensors

    You've not pressed the ECON button too have you? Mine is great but by far is best when on Auto.
  5. S

    New MG5 and Mudflaps!

    I bought a boot liner from Amazon for not a lot and it turned out to be rubbish for what I needed. I was lucky enough to be given an MG rubber boot floor mat and it is brilliant for my purpose. I do supermarket collections for the local foodbank and donations are piled into bags and...
  6. S

    Finally found a well designed cable protector.

    I know you are and I've engaged with you on other conversations, and I am interested in what everyone posts, even if I sometimes have a different view! Sorry that you've got cross, that wasn't my intent. I don't want to ignore you (or anyone else for that matter) but I will do my best to not...
  7. S

    Finally found a well designed cable protector.

    But coming to an EV forum to complain doesn't seem the right approach to me, even if I thought it was worthwhile. And there is already stuff being done, on quite a large scale apparently, so it does seem to me a minor waste of breath...
  8. S

    Octopus charges

    Depending on your mileage you could look at Octopussys tracker tariff. They are allwoing 50k people onto it on 1 July so I'm not sure if you'd get in then or have to wait. But you would need a smart meter. I'm estimating, on this weeks rates and my consumption over the past 2 months, it will...
  9. S

    Summers here Part 2

    France tolls have always felt somewhat pricey to me. OTOH I nearly went on the M6 toll the other day but that's now over £6 apparently - used to be OK when I was travelling on expenses but not on my own hard-earned!! :-) My local chippy cod 'n' chips is now £9.20!! I can nearly remember when...
  10. S

    Warning Messages

    Yup I recall being concerned over the same until someone here told me what it was
  11. S

    Finally found a well designed cable protector.

    I'd get an ICE if I were you :) I totally get what you're saying... but as I keep having to say, this is all in progress and can't happen overnight. I also think there is something of a compromise with an EV and things will never be quite as easy as with an ICE - or at least not for some years...
  12. S

    Finally found a well designed cable protector.

    It's happening!
  13. S

    New MG5 and Mudflaps!

    As that doesn't mention they are specific to facelift or pre, I guess you can assume they are interchangeable. You could check with them on the phone number in the ad. However I am pretty sure I paid less than £20 for some from AliExpress (for my Mk I), which are just fine.
  14. S

    Finally found a well designed cable protector.

    I remember it well but Tesco stopped that years ago. They are now cutting back quite severely on their Clubcard points deals, cutting the value from 3x to 2x face value. I think the stores are struggling to keep shelf prices low to remain competitive so something has to give...
  15. S

    Finally found a well designed cable protector.

    Nothing wrong with using a granny if it fits your requirement. I don't really agree with free chargers though, even though it's nice when you find one and can use it. Tesco have stopped them (in most stores anyway) presumably due to the cost. But at the end of the day, someone is paying...
  16. S

    Car charger not working properly

    If it's an Android download Ampere from the Play Store, that tells you loads about the state of the phone but most relevantly it tells you whether it's charging, and if it is, at what rate, so you can compare different sockets, cables etc. May also exist for IoS...
  17. S

    Finally found a well designed cable protector.

    Hmmm most mysterious.... :-) Still, I don't have problem with people charging on the road if that's what you were thinking. And I'm all for increasing EV ownership, and for the already-significant public charging infrastructure to be further improved to make life easier for us all.
  18. S

    Insurance, crazy renewal

    I imagine it might be fuelled somewhat by lack of availability of parts and qualified repairers, and the possibility of long term courtesy cars. Or just plain greed on the part of the insurer :-)
  19. S

    V2L, V2H, V2G - How does it work with MG EVs?

    Very good but I'd have just gone down the pub :-)
  20. S

    Finally found a well designed cable protector.

    Nearly always at home, on my drive. Why do you ask?
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