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  1. G

    MG5 Washer Jets Freezing

    Any work on plastic in this weather might help with an input from a fan heater to warm it up, plus your hands might thank you
  2. G

    Octopus Energy - Sharing my Prices and thoughts - January 2023 onwards…

    oh well that's changed in the last few days
  3. G

    Octopus Energy - Sharing my Prices and thoughts - January 2023 onwards…

    What are the options for EV tariffs, just on my 3rd go to try and get a smart meter installed, I believe it is only Octopus and British Gas offering the tariffs now?
  4. G

    Inflating tyres and wheel trims

    A problem I found and this forum kindly gave me the answer :) TYRE VALVE EXTENSION ADAPTER CAR BIKE MOTORBIKE CARAVAN 25MM SILVER DUST CAP X 4 | eBay this was the thread Plastic hub caps
  5. G

    The Archersy

    Isn’t that from the beeb, not sure you can blame the car for the misspelling?
  6. G

    MGZS LR max charging rate on CCS

    Next time, try the Redbridge park and ride, Ned Power 350KW chargers there and I had 90+KW charge rate.
  7. G

    Nov 17th Budget - Tax impact for EVs

    Just had a look on my V5C, the only thing on it really apart from weight is Max net power (KW) so either a flat charge or based on max net power?
  8. G

    New EV tips

    I thought that, but first proper night drive Friday night the blind spot light is awfully bright if you are on an unlit dual carriageway, plus the dimming of the screen doesn’t seem to get dim enough.
  9. G

    Rear interior light

    Pretty much, the ones I got where marked at 0.5W, I picked them up at a auto jumble so have nowhere to point you too unfortunately.
  10. G

    Rear interior light

    Correct, the boot lights are just wired up to the existing boot light, I did think of running them via a switch, but decided not to. The rear seat lights are wired to the drivers map light switch, so they come on if I switch the drivers map light on, or they come on if any door is opened as the...
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    Rear interior light

    you wanted pictures, apologies should have put them up last night :)
  12. G

    Rear interior light

    Certainly, I want to check them tonight when it is dark, so will grab the phone at the same time. (y)
  13. G

    Rear interior light

    Well the clocks have changed and the other night went to grab something off the back seat, I had to grab a torch to find it. Today I have treated myself to some LED rear pillar lights and extra boot lights, all installed and working ready for the final test tonight.
  14. G

    Time for a DAB picture poll

    I picked it up at the end of May, so not recent, here you go a bit more eye candy. ?
  15. G

    Time for a DAB picture poll

    This what I have.
  16. G

    Bluetooth music/radio issue

    It seems to be an issue on the ZS and I am guessing the same on the 4, which seems to show up with a Samsung, mine is a S20, like you I have nothing else to test it with, I haven’t found a solution, but as it bugs me so much I have had to mute the notification and occasionally when on a longish...
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    Bluetooth music/radio issue

    Quick question, is it an android phone, possibly Samsung?
  18. G

    V2L Cars to be in demand?

    my panels are 450W, the very latest panels are now heading up above 600W apparently, also running the GivEnergy 9.5kWH battery
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    Need to find and read through it, although I am fairly certain it comes from one of the two i mentioned but difficult to be 100% when I am alone in the car.
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    Ok it is getting colder, but the rattles are increasing in my ZS, I can’t work out if the latest rattle is the unit that has the overhead lights in or the black cover just in front of it that has the USB socket in it, anyone else getting rattles?
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