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  1. GreyPeter

    OVMS (Again)

    I will do a new build where the polling is able to be selected as manual or automatic.
  2. GreyPeter

    OVMS (Again)

    Some stage please send me soc.raw at 100% charge. The charge setting in your 3rd photo is not implemented in the MG code.
  3. GreyPeter

    OVMS (Again)

    Just need to make sure it is working as expected. With the car in the ready state, send the command polls on and you should see the SOC and estimated range. If that works fine, try the same while charging and unlocked. Now try locking the car. This may set the alarm off. If it does, just unlock...
  4. GreyPeter


    I need testers for a new build of OVMS for the MK2. If anybody is available to test it, please do and post any feedback here. The download link is:
  5. GreyPeter

    OVMS (Again)

    Is there anybody available to test this latest build? I need more testers!
  6. GreyPeter

    OVMS (Again)

    I have a new build ready for testing. As we have had problems with the alarm going off when the MG5 is locked and charging, the MG5 variant starts up with the polls turned off. Polls can be turned on with the polls on command in the shell or via a message in the app. You can also turn on polls...
  7. GreyPeter

    OVMS (Again)

    That sounds great @shiv and @MartinKS. Just be aware that at the moment we are unable to use OVMS while charging and locked. Should eventually be able to monitor everything the ZS EV does.
  8. GreyPeter

    OVMS (Again)

    Yes, I would be happy to hear from anybody willing to test my build but they will require an MG5 with OVMS installed. I am extreamly intersted to know if all models set off the alarm when charging and locked and polling is started. Please PM me if interested in helping.
  9. GreyPeter

    Cell balance?

    The build you have has not been set up correctly for your battery yet. I think the MG5 has a lot more cells than the MG ZS EV.
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