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  1. Chrispydoc

    Mud flaps worth getting? Does it affect range?

    15 min job to fit them..dumpy Phillips screwdriver is all you need. I bought the proper MG one' you know they will fit. Ultimately you would probably want to change the screws for stainless one's...just a few quid on ebay. Do they effect range? Yes of course they...
  2. Chrispydoc

    Washing the car

    A thought on automatic car washes......could they cause the front charging flap to open....and then rip it off?
  3. Chrispydoc

    Washing the car

    Just checked mine now, Resutls....On the two front doors, each has two oval holes one was clear, the other one's had a very strong transparent tape over them (near the centre of the door) The rear doors have a different look but were not obstructed.. I really don't know what to...
  4. Chrispydoc


  5. Chrispydoc

    MG ZS EV - achieves highest Australian safety rating!

    Great..I was very relived when it got its 5 start here in the UK. The video is worth watching..
  6. Chrispydoc

    25/01/21: Just had latest BMS software. Observations...

    Not in the hilly district near Melton Mowbray....that we visit regularly, we cut our visit short due the howling wind laced with very cold rain. The dog had her coat on but was soon trying to get back in the car....along with rest of us!
  7. Chrispydoc

    25/01/21: Just had latest BMS software. Observations...

    I've been out today, covered 78 miles, heater on, mix of roads and speeds, 2 degrees out-side, got back with 60 miles in the tank. Quite happy with that...( old software)
  8. Chrispydoc

    Beyond angry!!!???

    What a bummer, I feel for you.. I love my cars and on the couple of occasions I have damaged them over the last 50 years....I keep going over and over how I could have avoided it. You at least are 'blame free'. It's not your fault that some "pond life" hit your car. You will have to...
  9. Chrispydoc

    Tool to remove seat

    Here you go.....they are the same ones I used on my BMW X1 seats I'd go for a short one, that is not fixed in a there is not much room and you then have other options. This is exactly the same as my set ive had for years...
  10. Chrispydoc

    Cold Footwell

    Some BMW's have double glazing and I think the new Tesla has too. (there are probably numerous others )
  11. Chrispydoc

    Home charger installed today

    If you do have Solar panels.........You need to look at all the detail before you change anything......IMO. Don't rely on some inexperienced call handler!...Check and double check.
  12. Chrispydoc

    Windscreen Whiper Gutter full and frozen

    I'd invest in a winter w/screen cover, had I not got a garage.
  13. Chrispydoc

    Updating the built-in satnav

    I recently tried unsuccessfully, for about 20 mins to put a destination in my MG Sat-nav! I'm sure its just me, but some of us are simply not tech savvy at all! The Tom Tom on my iphone....been there for many years, and I use it all of time. It has been unsupported for up-dates for a long...
  14. Chrispydoc

    Would you have purchased electric car

    Dear can go back into your posts and edit or delete them if you want. I've found it very useful being a non-tec, semi-dyslexic person. And I love my MG and don't regret buying it at all....had it for over a year and done 7K miles.
  15. Chrispydoc

    MG ZS EV Pre Heating

    Fan heater on an extension lead......if you really need the extra couple of miles range?
  16. Chrispydoc

    Home charger installed today

    Do you have solar panels? as well? If so i'd hold off with the smart meter.
  17. Chrispydoc

    MG ZS EV upgrade

    All in seems to be more of a "damp Squib" than an upgrade to me. I shall continue to look at second-hand Tesla's .......there are some nice ones around the £30K mark....and of course several other new cars about to be launched. Why MG don't simply make a bigger/better battery...
  18. Chrispydoc

    Questions on fitting new headlight bulbs ....

    But during the next couple of years we will be able to see where we are going!;)
  19. Chrispydoc

    Red warning - Slow Charge this Vehicle

    That is my understanding.....mine took ages once!
  20. Chrispydoc

    Should Manufacturers be More Flexible with Warranties during Pandemic?

    I thinking of applying for a road tax rebate for the MG and the PHEV do think I will get on? ?
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