Personally I think its "horses for courses".....Ev's and PHEV's are great for most things.....however if I wanted to tow regularly, I'd use a diesel car.
I drive my ZS EV just the same as did all my many previous automatic cars....with the throttle and brake and hardly ever feel the need to use any other 'aids'.....(i'd get confused and doubtless leave it switched on if I did ):oops:
Very nice stories about trips and range...keep em coming. ?(y)
( I bet your average ICE driver doesn't half as much fun....too busy thinking about his next fuel bill)
Diesel PHEV's are a good choice (if you can ignor the Diesel doom mungers) my son ran a Volvo for several years up and down the motorway and got about 75MPG, from a large car, with loads of safety features, it was a fine motor and cost sub £18k.
Personally, I'm not bothered in the slightest by tweaks to the bumpers , light clusters, trim etc.
It's the range and mechanicals that I'm hoping to see improved. o_O
I think its fair to say that the heating and ventalation system does leave leave room for a lot of improvement......but it can be set up to function OK......pity its not fully automatic though.
I wonder if the new model is?
I am the sort of person who doesn't like to "Pay Retail"......If I can get a bit off, I feel better about the deal. I'm not the only one..look at all you folk with your times charging etc, all trying to save a few bob.
That doesn't mean that I don't have the Air-con on when needed...I do...
If you look into the engine bay towards the wheels / mudguards and you can see daylight ..thats where muck can get thrown up. Seal them up with a bit of silicone and its one problem solved.
(I'm not talking about the infamous missing splash cover around the bottom of the motor)
Something else you may want to think about.....A slight smear of copper grease on the back face of the wheel / wheel no bad thing. If the wheels dont get removed for a year or two, they can STICK even when you remove all the wheel nuts.
I had this on a Jeep and no matter how hard I...
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