After a while you will soon discover how far you can go on a charge. IMO Speed and driving style are the two most important factors. If i'm being careful I can do about 160 miles..if i'm thrashing I was today...a lot less. I'm happy with it......until I get my longer range one!
Who would think to carry a 10ml Spanner? Anyone who follows this forum!.. i've said before, my is taped into the bottom of the battery tray.
Calling the AA is not always a painfree business...I waited 5 hours, a couple of weeks for them! (not my MG but my Classic Car).
The dealer didn't know any more details yet... wait and see... One things for sure, its liable to be considerably cheaper than the other cars you mentioned...i'm hanging on to see......
I use cruise control occasionally.....but get the distinct impression that I get better range by driving carefully, which is only really important on long trips of course......I do a regular one of 155 miles and usually end up with over 20 miles "in the tank"....In fact I will being doing that...
I Agree!!
if you want to save some dosh, buy a secondhand, low mileage ZS EV for about 17-20k,...with 5+ years of warranty remaining!
With your mileages you may be perfectly able to manage with a granny charger, and save the expense of having one wired in.
I have a Mitsubishi PHEV sat in...
British technology at its finest....from the early 70's I owned a succesion of over 100 cars.....all old British. My early work as a mechanic certainly helped in keeping them on the road.
My MG Dealer can't finalise any part ex until the day the deal is done. I am hopeful that it will be in the right ball park. If not, I'll sell it privately, as I normally do.
I don't do "webuyanycar" my experience they always want to talk the price down when they see the car. It was £17K from the dealer as a part chop about a year ago.
Just put my name on the list for a test drive:).....possibly September.
Nothing firm yet.
Interestingly, the value of my second hand Ev's has increased by about 14% recently, due to poor supply of new on's.......(y)
That looks very interesting....but my parcel shelf is in and out seveat times a week, as i transport our 'family' Greyhound around. I wonder how long it would take me to rip the plug out? :oops:
This is generally a constructive and helpful forum. For me, this is one of its main attractions.
Long may it continue in this manner.....if it turn nasty....its quite simple, I will turn it off.
Its a shame you have has such a crappy experience.
I can't complain about my car or dealer (in Derby) In fact I will be knocking on their door again, as soon at the longer range ZS EV becomes available. :)
You must change the cam belts regularily on the Rover petrol engines and keep an eye on your cylinder head of the reasons I used to prefer the Diesel version of the 75. A damn fine car, and very reliable and economical. I've still got an imaculate set of eletric beige leather seats...
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