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  1. Chrispydoc

    Full charge showing 200mls range

    I think driving style and speed are the other major factors, if you need maximum range. With me this is only relevant on a few occasions a year.....the rest of the time, drive unrestricted and enjoy the cars features. ;) solar panels take care of all our energy that's all fine.
  2. Chrispydoc

    Next years facelift ZS EV

    I cant wait for it to come out in the UK......I'll be first in the queue..... So when they come out, if anyone is looking for a good low mileage Red car, waxoyled from new, always garaged and well cared for about £17 K will be available. ;)
  3. Chrispydoc

    At last, some real EV incentives in Australia

    About time! I must say I am constantly amazed by the attitude of the Australian governments attitude to EV's. For such a young country, they should be thinking more about the future of their young citizens, rather than digging up vast quantities of coal! :mad:
  4. Chrispydoc

    Full charge showing 200mls range

    Somebody mentioned 'diversions" our many trips driving 155 miles back and forth to Norfolk, it's never been a problem. However, on Wednesday, about mid day, driving back to Derby, we had two long diversions due to two serious accidents.....neither diversion properly signed...we ended...
  5. Chrispydoc

    Charger reading battery percentage from the car

    I've never worried abut the %. My GOM range is all I need. It's 178 miles when full, in eco with everything switched off. It has proved very very accurate over the last 18months.
  6. Chrispydoc

    Cost of journey and err stupidly warning

    I have recently seen (on the A52) a ZS EV driving with its flap open....but by the time I'd 'processed' the info, it was well passed me before could react and warn the driver.
  7. Chrispydoc

    What do you value most in your EV?

    I'd upgrade to a bigger battery a heartbeat.....
  8. Chrispydoc

    Range Anxiety?

    We did stop for a break, we also had some slow road works..the rest of the time we kept up with the traffic. It normally takes 3 1/2 hours without a stop anyway. There is very little dual carriageway on this trip. It was early morning so not too hot, the car was not a bit stuffy with the...
  9. Chrispydoc

    Range Anxiety?

    Just completed by latest long trip. The GOM was indicating 40 miles 'spare' right from the start....very impressed with its accuracy. Derby to Norfolk via A52, A17, A47. Traffic nice and air con...sunroof cracked open. A good heavily loaded, so very pleased with its...
  10. Chrispydoc

    Global tint

    It looks lovely (y)
  11. Chrispydoc

    New Car Pickup

    I will be doing my regular 155 mile trip to Norfolk tomorrow.....(for me) speed is definitely the key. I never exceed 60 and try for less. Regen 3, Economy mode, sunroof / windows cracked open, minimum use of ACC.
  12. Chrispydoc

    MG warranty

    Good tip that......not just for the MG.
  13. Chrispydoc

    What car did you replace with your MG?

    Same here.....just to add insult to injury, my X1 developed an intermittent fault, just as I had it for sale.......I ended having to spend £1,300 to have a new computer fitted! I love my MG but would like a little bit more range.
  14. Chrispydoc

    Comfort 2 update

    If you have the outside temp displayed on your main screen .....they you already have the comfort 2 upgrade installed. I had to pay for mine over a year ago...but it was worth it to get get rid of the unnecessary BONGS!
  15. Chrispydoc

    My ZS Mods

    Looks very nice. :) I've been thinking about the window tints and weather shields got a long time now, just not got around to it yet.
  16. Chrispydoc

    Is your cars maths correct? Mine never is!

    Ive always found my GOM predictions to be very good.
  17. Chrispydoc

    Full house!

  18. Chrispydoc

    Remaining range up and down

    Mine would have been full...170 + every time I open the door. Just my method, Ive got a "petrol pump" at home and use it all the time:)
  19. Chrispydoc

    LED bulbs for MG ZS EV headlights

  20. Chrispydoc

    Number plates.

    You may have had a problem with a following police car doing a random check?
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