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  1. Chrispydoc

    Project OBD2 - Mobile App v1.2.1 and later

    I'm afraid all this sort stuff passes right over my head....good luck with it anyway....o_O.
  2. Chrispydoc

    Best Trip to date...

    I managed 4.4 last summer on a 160 mile non-stop trip.
  3. Chrispydoc

    SAIC ROEWE releases the price of new Ei5

    Dont click the link!!! my virus checker went into overdrive!!
  4. Chrispydoc

    Email I just sent to the Secretary of State for Transport

    I wish you wouldn't just.........thats where it all falls apart for me............
  5. Chrispydoc

    Lists of Abbreviations

    come on somebody.......bang them all out......
  6. Chrispydoc

    Locking Wheel Nuts

    There may be 'no market' for s/hand alloys ....but that dosen't stop some 'Pond Life' from having a go! Just after Christmas, my mate found his car up on bricks and his wheels and Cat-converter missing. They smashed a window for good measure..:mad: It wasn't a valuable car...but it was his...
  7. Chrispydoc

    "Green Flash" Registration Plates

    Personally I'd never use a pressure washer on ay of my cars......perhaps if I was a Greenlaneist in an old Land Rover..!
  8. Chrispydoc

    Dead (12V battery) on arrival! less than auspicious start

    It doesn't look much for the PDI!
  9. Chrispydoc

    "Green Flash" Registration Plates

    I love my green number plates...i'm proud to display them.:)
  10. Chrispydoc

    Underbody rust proofing

    A couple of weeks not the slightest sign of rust.
  11. Chrispydoc

    Underbody rust proofing

    Most classic car repairs or restorers would do it for you. And BTW, I did check with my MG dealer first...just in case of any warranty issues.
  12. Chrispydoc

    Underbody rust proofing

    yup... 1/2 gal of Waxoyl thinned down with WD40 or similar .....and a decent compressor..I do it to all my cars, every couple of years.
  13. Chrispydoc

    Bear has arrived!

    Don't forget to install the MG Bear app on your phone......:D
  14. Chrispydoc

    Fast charging whilst unlocked - how?

    Don't beat yourself up....we all live and learn. :)
  15. Chrispydoc

    Tool to remove seat

    That looks all very technical to me! I struggle with my iPhone!:(
  16. Chrispydoc

    Setting Mode and Kers as a default on startup

    Ah I always drive in Kers 3, I assumed it stopped where I left it....perhaps it is the default, in which case I didn't realise with getting old you know...:oops:
  17. Chrispydoc

    Setting Mode and Kers as a default on startup

    Thank you! :). Apparently I share a birthday with Ivanka Trump!.....but she looks younger than me for some reason.?
  18. Chrispydoc

    Setting Mode and Kers as a default on startup

    It will remember your KERS but default to normal mode on each start up. Which is no bad thing, because the heater works much quicker in Normal.....I tend to run it like that for 10 mins and then go to Eco.
  19. Chrispydoc

    Mud flaps worth getting? Does it affect range?

    No extra holes required if you have the genuine ones.......the slight issue (with mine) where, there are extra long screws need fitting (supplied) but unlike the original screws...they went rusty very shortly after fitting. I agree about the extra weight.....lockdown syndrome :rolleyes:
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