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  1. F

    @MG expert Charging 80% useful?

    I am not a rich man (neither poor) and I tend to change my cars on an impulse more than anything else but probably about 5yrs maximum. I am quite happy to be a guinea pig and see how my battery is in a few years time with the constant charging and will report back to the forum. Constant...
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    @MG expert Charging 80% useful?

    Thanks all, I have just decided I don't care enough about the battery life to worry about a charging regime, I will now just continue with my plug it in every night as I have done for the last 8 months I can't be bothered (as whotsername says) because one day when I need it the most I will have...
  3. F

    @MG expert Charging 80% useful?

    Going by that, I should indeed not charge it every night, thanks for the information. Regards Frank
  4. F

    @MG expert Charging 80% useful?

    I must have a look at the FAQ's, thanks.
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    @MG expert Charging 80% useful?

    Everyone to their own, I might only do 10 miles or less a day but I still put it on charge, I am confident that the BMS will maintain the battery health and if it doesn't then MG take the risk. I do accept however if one is keeping the car for about 3 years past the warranty then there could...
  6. F

    @MG expert Charging 80% useful?

    come on guys, did you do this stupid shit with your petrol or diesel cars. What a lot of faffing around worrying about your battery. Just charge it every day if you have a home charger, (that is what it is for), its just a car, keep the tank full because its easy to do with a home charger and if...
  7. F

    Dead 12 volt battery

    Hi, I agree with all the above except for number 3, what a load of bloody nonsense they are telling you. First of all you do not have have an ICE car so you can't apply ICE practices to it. However as a driver of many many years (and I hope I am not teaching you to suck eggs) "toe and heel" is...
  8. F

    SCRUNCH at low speeds?

    Hopefully Teepee's dealer will confirm what it is (if they can replicate the noise) once and for all but you are right it does sound awful. I (unless its my imagination) actually feel it through the floor of the car as well as hear it!!!! Regards Frank
  9. F

    Bonnet Supports

    Hi Kithmo, Don't think so, but you are right the bonnet is heavy? and I have weak wrists (from playing too much Squash when I was younger, I think) so I have to look after them for other activities. Regards Frank
  10. F

    Bonnet Supports

    Hi ging353, I know, there is nothing wrong with the original bonnet support but I like doing things like this, I am always changing bits and pieces on my computer, RAM, Graphics Card etc etc and as I don't smoke or drink (any more) I spend my money this way. Some people have never flown on a...
  11. F

    SCRUNCH at low speeds?

    Tom, Yes I have had all that as well and I was worried until finding out that others like yourself have heard the same sound (assume it is the same sound) and after reading the FAQ I surmised (as did my dealer) that it was the (lets call it the servo pump) pump making the noise especially as...
  12. F

    SCRUNCH at low speeds?

    Hi Teepee, This is it from the MG Webpage, MG ZS EV FAQS:- Q. SOMETIMES A PUMPING NOISE CAN BE HEARD WHEN APPLYING THE BRAKES. WHAT IS THIS NOISE? A. This is entirely normal. Because there is no petrol or diesel engine, the brake vacuum assistance needs to be provided by a separate electrical...
  13. F

    SCRUNCH at low speeds?

    Hi, All normal apparently. You may or may not be aware that for the servo assistance of the brakes to work they need a vacuum which is normally provided by a petrol or diesel engine (a by product of the normal workings of said engines) however you don't get that from an electric motor so there...
  14. F

    Bonnet Supports

    Hi Dave, The attachment points are:- car side:- opposite to the headlamp mounting bolt (black plastic track) there is a bolt, take it out and replace it with the chrome knob thingy that comes with the kit and therefore what ever the original bolt was there for is replaced with the chrome knob...
  15. F

    Dead 12 volt battery

    Hi, If your mileage is low then yes you could go for many days without charging. I only do about 10-20 miles a day if that and its all urban so in theory I could only charge the car maybe every two weeks but I don't see the point. If one has a home charger then for the sake of a couple of mins...
  16. F

    Dead 12 volt battery

    Quite simply it is because the DC current that runs the motor is at about 400v and over, lights, horn, windscreen wipers, windscreen washers, interior lights, radio, etc etc are 12v. So ALL ev motors have a 12v battery to run all the ancillaries and the electronics. The main battery pack when up...
  17. F

    Boot will not lock

    fan dabby dosy
  18. F

    Bonnet Supports

    Hi, Thought you were having a play on words of my name, until it clicked. yes a frunk would be handy also might double up as an extra level of soundproofing. Regards Fronk
  19. F

    Boot will not lock

    Ok, is this what happened, you locked the car and then for some reason to check the car is locked you tried to open the boot, if this scenario is correct then IT IS PERFECTLY NORMAL, when the car is locked you are able to open the boot without unlocking the doors. Lock the car, place your keys...
  20. F

    Bonnet Supports

    Oops, thanks, forgot about that as ALL my items bought from Ali Express have been below the threshold. I will not bother as fitting might not be so easy and I do not want a 20% increase in the price. Regards Frank
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