As an experiment I rang round 10 UK dealers. None of them were aware of any updates. None of them were aware of any loss of acceleration issues. In fact… none of them were aware of anything and couldn’t seem to answer any questions I had. I’m a potential buyer but I’m now starting to have...
I am starting to notice a pattern. Many mainstream reviews seem to be somewhat harsh towards MG. While small independent reviews or actual customer reviews seem to be far more positive. I am seeing what seems to be some ‘biased’ negativity towards MG? When I raise concerns that have been raised...
So you’ve done plenty of motorway driving and not really an issue? Can I ask what previous cars you’ve had and how it compares. I’ve just seen reviews and people saying once it hits 70mph and above it starts to get noisy.
Looking forward to your assessment after the updates. From what your saying, it’s probably not safe to assume that these updates will be installed on all car sales going forward? Best to check with individual dealer before purchase.
Thanks for the in-depth reply. Puts many of my fears to rest. Judging by where you live, can’t see me experiencing any major issues. I test drove a Toyota Yaris Cross several days ago and it wasn’t perfect. Guess no system is. Perfectly adequate for most scenarios and I’m sure the MG will be...
Hi everyone. I’m currently deciding on new car and the MG ZS Hybrid + is on my shortlist. Hoping to book a test drive next few days and hoping that will involve some high speed driving. I’m currently reading this forum and reading / watching reviews. Once concern I have is wind noise at motorway...
Hi, I’m just in the process of new car and MG ZS Hybrid + is on my shortlist. From what you just said… will this alter the typical MPG you’d get from the car? Trying to wrap my head around exactly how the MG ZS Hybrid + system works. So when the battery drops to 40 percent it will start...
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