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  1. MattyS

    MG4 Undertray dip/bulge

    I literally just checked my car and it has a bulge too. will speak to the dealership. Edit: I'm taking it in Monday am for them to take a look
  2. MattyS

    Throttle Travel/Response

    Agreed. My Fabia used to take what seemed like a long time time to actually start to accelerate at roundabouts. Glad I switched!
  3. MattyS

    Throttle Travel/Response

    Yeah I was thinking that, it feels very different to me from my Fabia. I've read a lot about the "instantaneous" power of EVs and I was quite worried TBH but actually thats not experience at the moment. It definitely has a pickup after which the power is there. I'll drive some more over the...
  4. MattyS

    Throttle Travel/Response

    Great thanks! I'll keep an eye out for it
  5. MattyS

    Turning off car/ daytime lights?

    Brilliant thank you.
  6. MattyS

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Go to the settings menu as shown here MG4 Software Update Thread
  7. MattyS

    Throttle Travel/Response

    How will I know if goes up to 100%?
  8. MattyS

    Throttle Travel/Response

    I appreciate that thank you. I guess I'm trying to decide if its my left foot accelerator or whether its just how the car is. The installer advised me that as part of the process, the original accelerator is completely removed so it stands to reason that it could be the adaption and not the...
  9. MattyS

    Throttle Travel/Response

    I've just got my car adapted today and to just see how it felt I took it round the block. I've not been able to test drive before purchase. I was wondering what everyones experience with the throttle is on the MG4 Trophy? It felt like I had to put my foot 1/4 (possibly more) of travel down to...
  10. MattyS

    Turning off car/ daytime lights?

    All adapted now, and he did disconnect the battery as expected, took 6 hours due to soldering taking aaaages
  11. MattyS

    Turning off car/ daytime lights?

    Thanks so much I will have a look at that setting. Yeah I was wondering if they'll need to disconnect the 12V. My traction battery is at 95% so I shouldn't have any issue.
  12. MattyS

    Turning off car/ daytime lights?

    So as some of you may remember, I'm getting adaptations to my car and it's going ahead tomorrow. The installation takes a good few hours and I was just wondering if there's a way to turn off the car with the doors open just to avoid battery drain whilst the installer is working?
  13. MattyS

    Post Delivery checklist suggestions for 2nd hand MG4?

    Thanks everyone some great points here. @JohnV6 I have Cerebral palsy so my right side is significantly weaker than my left, hence the need for a left foot accelerator. I also use a Lodgesons R200 hand control for steering, wipers, indicators and lights.
  14. MattyS

    Post Delivery checklist suggestions for 2nd hand MG4?

    My Dec 22 Orange Trophy was delivered yesterday and because I can't drive it until Thursday (when my disability adaptations are being fitted), I was wondering if anyone has any tips on things to check? I've seen a video online that goes through stuff like the battery cover bulge etc so I'll be...
  15. MattyS

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Just got my 22 plate MG4 Trophy and it's on software SWI68-29958-1300R46. It's a December 22 registered car. I'm assuming that the updates cost unless I notice a bug?
  16. MattyS

    New MG4 owner - newbie tips

    I'm on the fence if I'm honest but I'm sure she'll be capable with the right instruction/training :)
  17. MattyS

    New MG4 owner - newbie tips

    I'm really looking forward to it and my wife is too (she wants to learn to drive because of the incoming MG4!)
  18. MattyS

    New MG4 owner - newbie tips

    Getting my car on Tuesday and this thread is really helpful! I'm on Octopus Tracker at the moment and contemplating switching to Intelligent Go once my Zappi is installed on 3rd March. One thing I've been thinking about not directly linked to switching to my 1st EV is going from FWD to RWD.
  19. MattyS

    Wish list of MG4 improvements

    I would love a function that allows favourite mapping to either joystick on the steering wheel not just the right or the left.
  20. MattyS

    Customer Checklist On Collection

    Thanks for this, I will be checking this when mine is delivered. Its a used car so hopefully won't have the more serious issues like the dip/bulge
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