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  1. M

    MG4 Intelligent battery heating on SE?

    I realise this is nearly a year ago now; but how did it work out?
  2. M

    Granny charging

    Yes. Shouldn't be a big issue as long as your plug sockets are up to the job and no extension leads - or at least good extension leads. Granny charing gives 10% every 3 hours which for me is more than enough. I have mine scheduled 12am-5am for cheap eletricity which gives 15% per night which...
  3. M

    UK domestic socket charging

    The MG4 manual refers to the granny charger as the "emergency home charging kit".
  4. M

    UK domestic socket charging

    IMO that is silly and pouring money down the drain. If you are concerned select 8A, very concerned select 6A. (Keep in mind the car resets this selection each time)
  5. M

    UK domestic socket charging

    Exactly the same for me. Granny charger set by schedule in the car 00.00-05.00 on cheap rate electricity. Get around 14% from that per night. It is using the Masterplug EV socket discussed earlier, electrician installed it and upgraded my earth at the same time. I don't do any signficant...
  6. M

    MG4 Granny Charge versus Public Charge Until Wallbox Installed

    Says it is 475 quid without installation. About the same as most chargers.
  7. M

    MG4 Granny Charge versus Public Charge Until Wallbox Installed

    I have also charged at the full 10A many times without issue. Just don't see the point in stressing the socket and wiring at 10A for it to finish charging at midnight when the lower setting means it finishes at 4am - it's all the same to me. Of course your requirements are likely to be different.
  8. M

    MG4 Granny Charge versus Public Charge Until Wallbox Installed

    It isn't going to burn your house down. It would be sensible to use the 6A or 8A setting in the car whichever is lowest and still gives the charge you need. Keep in mind that the current setting resets every time. FWIW I have been using a granny cable only since February 2022 when I got my PHEV...
  9. M

    How to preheat the cabin by using the granny charger

    I use a granny charger. As far as I can tell the remote cabin heating function doesn't use power directly from the charger, it takes it from the battery, but as soon as the car detects the battery is draining the car will start charging to recoup the loss.
  10. M

    New MG4 owner... any tips?!

    I can see future proofing in terms of if my needs change to doing more miles on a daily basis than the 3-pin can support. But I don't see it being a selling point for the house, at least at the moment.
  11. M

    New MG4 owner... any tips?!

    I can understand that for sure. I have a setup from my PHEV which has an external socket with a RCBO cutout and is certified for EV charging. Even charging at 8A or even 6A the car is charged fast enough for my needs. So dropping £1,000 on a charger would be hard to justify.
  12. M

    Potential New Owner Questions

    1. Not really at all. Public charging in the UK is really expensive. More expensive than the equivalent petrol. Total nightmare wouldn't recommend it. Fine for holidays where you can justify the cost as unusual, but not day to day. Don't have answers to the rest.
  13. M

    MG4 Locked while Charging

    I noticed that this weekend. A lot of faff with poor mobile signal to eventually get charging started. Then of course remembered I needed something in the car and had to unlock and lock again which stopped the charge. I went on the website for the CPO to restart the charge but later realised I...
  14. M

    What's balancing? Do I need to do it?

    Anything dealers say can be dismissed without further thought. If MG or SAIC themselves then fine.
  15. M

    Charging current

    Not only does it not remember next time you drive the car. But it's literally only for that charge session. So if you initiate a charge from the app, or even if you run the climate for 10 mins and the car needs to charge up again; it's back at AC current. *** so stupid.
  16. M

    Reverse Camera SE LR

    Going back to the start of the thread. I have also installed the number plate camera. It's taken some practicing to get used to, repeatedly backing into spaces in Tesco car park! But works well. I got a number plate frame and put it on upside down to give the camera an extra margin.
  17. M

    Charging current

    It's not difficult at all especially the car does remember some settings. It's the absolute norm that in any settings in any software if you change them they stay changed. This has applied to every car I've had but apparently for MG it's too difficult. It's not like it's some NCAP thing...
  18. M

    Charging current

    So it seems if I set the current limit, when I next come to charge the car it had reset to Maximum again. The software on this car still continues to disappoint me, my Ioniq PHEV remembered the setting; because of course it did, its very basic software funtionality.
  19. M

    Number plates

    I managed the same but with a USB cord, amounts to the same thing. How did you reattach?
  20. M

    Finally cracked the wireless carplay dongle problems

    Find it quite crazy you have to flick a switch. Might as well plug in the cable at that point.
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