Search results

  1. Noel

    Jerry Pan MG ZS Hybrid+ New YouTube video.

    Essential viewing, for me anyway. Search YouTube for 2025 New MG ZS | Quick start and walkthrough. Jerry is doing MG UK’s job for them. He is also planning a series of follow up videos. If you don’t discover something you didn’t already know, I will be very surprised.
  2. Noel

    Seeking Advice on ZS Hybrid Plus Fuel Efficiency and Electric Motor Usage

    Regarding the update PD052, my car went into the dealership on the third, they informed me that they knew nothing about this update, so I contacted MGUK, who advised me to ask the dealership to contact them if they didn’t know anything about it, and that they would advise them. Since then I’ve...
  3. Noel

    MG ZS Hybrid+ Owners Survey.

    I think he’s asking about the MG ZS Hybrid +, after all, he has the same name as the car! The confusing part is that he lives in Sapin. I’m unsure quite how to respond, to his request. I waiting to see how PD052 affects my thoughts. In the meantime, I like the car, and as I’m becoming more...
  4. Noel

    Accessories/Mud flaps

    No help from MG UK, so dealerships have no idea, and their response to customers is to say “no mud flaps”. Which sounds plausible, and stops customers from pestering. Regarding ‘number 2’, it’s the level of power harvesting I.e. When you take your foot off the accelerator, the generator feeds...
  5. Noel

    Seeking Advice on ZS Hybrid Plus Fuel Efficiency and Electric Motor Usage

    Hi Busman. Interesting, my observations/conclusions are similar. Had we purchased in the summer, I expect we would be very pleased with the mpg results. There is no doubt the AC imposes a large demand on the engine. At the risk of repetition. I’ve adopted the following, heated seat and wheel...
  6. Noel

    Autohold function

    Enabled it today, and so far I’m impressed, saves having to keep your foot on the brake.
  7. Noel

    Brochures for current model

    It’s a 50 mile trip for me, but I will have a look, the next visit is scheduled for the 27th.
  8. Noel

    Accessories/Mud flaps

    Hi all. Has anybody managed to find a set of 4 mud flaps for the MG ZS Hybrid+ ? There are universal sets, sets for earlier ZS models, or other MG SUV’s etc models. But there is no real way to find out if they will fit, without drilling holes.
  9. Noel

    Brochures for current model

    Search, select brochure, scroll down models and select MG ZS Hybrid +
  10. Noel

    Graphic equalizer present

    In your dreams 😴😴😴
  11. Noel

    Brochures for current model

    In the UK,I have been advised that there are no accessories available not even a set of mud flaps.
  12. Noel

    TAILGATE DOES’NT LOCK. Please check yours?

    Firstly I don’t consider it to be necessary to have to purchase a Faraday pouch to overcome a problem. And secondly if I did this I would have to extract the key fob every time I needed to unlock the car.
  13. Noel

    Seeking Advice on ZS Hybrid Plus Electric Motor Usage and Fuel Efficiency

    I must admit that I’ve only driven mine for some 600 miles, and most of that has been short local use. I agree with the cold weather causing less EV mode and reduced MPG. However, I must admit I’m surprised at the combined 44 mpg.
  14. Noel

    Trivia time

    Many thanks for all the replies. Including Alb’s “brakeyload”😉. Apart from the ongoing PD052 malarkey, I must say I’m very impressed with my ZS Hybrid +. and the level of features and functionality it has. It’s a bit of a learning curve, but I’m getting there, with the help of the excellent...
  15. Noel

    TAILGATE DOES’NT LOCK. Please check yours?

    That makes sense.
  16. Noel

    TAILGATE DOES’NT LOCK. Please check yours?

    That’s an interesting observation. I suppose the test is to sit in the car with, or without the engine running, and get somebody to try and open it. If it is open, it provides an opportunity for somebody to open it, whilst stopped.
  17. Noel

    TAILGATE DOES’NT LOCK. Please check yours?

    Hi Nico. I’ve been a bit busy, but today I tried using the spare key fob. Whilst not conclusive it appears to be better/different. Weather permitting, I’ll do some tests tomorrow. It will involve moving the key fob progressively further away, and returning to the car after every move, to see...
  18. Noel

    TAILGATE DOES’NT LOCK. Please check yours?

    Had a look into that, and then realised that I would have to remove the key fob ever time I unlocked the doors.
  19. Noel

    TAILGATE DOES’NT LOCK. Please check yours?

    Hi Nico. And many thanks to all for your replies, It’s the “few” metres away, that’s the problem on mine, where it’s more like 25 meters. This results in the tailgate being open when the keys are indoors, I’m shopping, or in the pub, or gym. I’m trying to get my head round how this actually...
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