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  1. Pebble

    Privacy Glass ??

    If it's OEM from the factory, the windows won't have film, the glass itself is tinted.
  2. Pebble

    5 Trophy - % power?

    Interesting to see the power/torque curves here: Tops out at 154hp @ 4500rpm motor speed and then nothing more avaialble. Will have to look at motor speed on dash next time and see what's going on...
  3. Pebble

    5 Trophy - % power?

    Decided today to see how the FL 5 would accelertate uncder full power (pedal to the floor job). Joined a motorway on an uphill slip of about 3/4 miles. In Eco mode, KERS 1, % power meter went up very quickly and then peaked out at 80%, no more % forthcoming. Thinking this might be an ECO...
  4. Pebble

    Mg4 Trophy SatNav

    So this begs the question, could the 5 Trophy nav software (no live traffic) be updated using the 4 Trophy version?
  5. Pebble

    Mg4 Trophy SatNav

    Does the MG4 Trophy have live traffic?
  6. Pebble

    iSMART app v1.1.2 available

    Just asked to do update for Android via Play Store. Latesr version now 1.1.11 - hmmmm. Everything still looks the same post update.
  7. Pebble

    Interior bulbs getting them out.

    I removed mine with sharp nose pliers, yes they are a tight fit. Did have to bend the mounts slightly to get a better pull and makes it easier to get the new ones in. As for are the Amazon ones correct, not sure. Here's the ones I used FWIW 501 Twenty20 12V W5W Flat LED Bulb in White
  8. Pebble

    Charging via the App problem

    With the app open, have you tried logging out then back in? Just a thought as this often works for me.
  9. Pebble

    Ismart can't connect

    This often works for me - log out, clear app cache, log back in.
  10. Pebble

    Archived Locking Wheel Bolts

    Bluetoff hasn';t been on here since August 2022, good luck though.
  11. Pebble

    Budgen Shrewsbury - MG Dealer Discussion, Opinions & Experiences

    They'd drilled and fitted the original rear plate straight into the boot metal. Then, after a few weeks, the front plate delaminated which they replaced. They also replaced the prefectly good rear plate (no reason to), using the same shitty drilled holes. At least they lined the holes in the new...
  12. Pebble

    Budgen Shrewsbury - MG Dealer Discussion, Opinions & Experiences

    Sorry, now see it's an MG4. Different mountings on the MG5. Same issue on our FL5, surprisingly enough, from Budgen Motors, Shrewsbury. The front plate they fitted delaminated after just a month and had to be replaced.
  13. Pebble

    Budgen Shrewsbury - MG Dealer Discussion, Opinions & Experiences

    Wow, aside from the scratch and chip, that's the only reason you wouldn't recommend Budgen Motors. Was it a brand new car? IIRC, UK plates won't line up with the bolt holes and also the bottom plastic black bar is there for a reason aesthetically.
  14. Pebble

    A Good range guide video to watch for the Newbies to EVs

    I've covered my "range concern" in another thread but for someone who's about to embark on long regular journeys, I'll only be charging to 80% on fast chargers (80-100% apparently frowned upon by the EV world on public chargers and takes forever?) and running down to c.20%, So in effect, a 60%...
  15. Pebble

    General FL 5 (and other models?) range.

    Thanks for the replies so far, much appreciated (y) Most of my round trip journeys will be c.260 miles, so I accept that I'll have to stop once on the way back, no problem. Every two weeks, there'll be a 340 mile journey, 170 miles each way, same route both ways. I guess then it'll be two stops...
  16. Pebble

    General FL 5 (and other models?) range.

    In the near future due too work, I'll have to start using the public charging network. Up to now, home charging has served me well and the ability to go to 100% with no time constraints. Now here's where my "range" question gets interesting, bear with me please. The FL 5 has a theoretical range...
  17. Pebble

    Confused about home charger

    Our FL 5 + Ohme Pro: turned off all schedules on the Ohme to make it a dumb charger, set % charge on app to 80% or any other %, plug in charger and away we go. Simples for us. For scheduled charging, we use the app to set times.
  18. Pebble

    Problem with the 12v battery on my MG4

    Page 154 of the owners manual shows the "mechanical" key to unlock driver's door.
  19. Pebble

    First public charging - nervous?

    In June, I'll need to make a return journey of 350 miles (without the wife as a passenger) but have never needed to use public chargers on shorter sub 200 mile trips. TBH, I'm bricking it. I know I shouldn't worry but having never done it before, it's the unknown that gets me. Zap Map has...
  20. Pebble

    Best apps to find commercial chargers on a journey

    From Zap Map - payment via EB Go! app or RFID card. Might be convenient but 69p/kwh for a 7kW charger seems expensive.
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