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  1. Pebble

    Data stick music and the MG5

    I too have USB stiks in both NTFS and exFAT. Have tried online conversion programs but no luck to date. PITA really for what should be a plug and play, never had any issues in previous 21 plate Megane and 17 plate Renault Trafic.
  2. Pebble

    12v issues

  3. Pebble

    How do I get bird etching off the roof of my mg4 trophy ?

    Have used this stuff before for similar issues on all colours from black to silver. Don't be tempted too rub hard, be patient...
  4. Pebble

    Another tyre question

    Michelin 215/50-17 on our FL 5.
  5. Pebble

    New MG5 EV owner - A few simple questions

    Also frustrating on the FL 5 is tha fact thhat there's only two rear sensors on the bumper and nothing on the bumper quarters. Reversing at an angle towards an object can be tricky. Most other cars I've had have at least 4 sensors. Might add to the existing ones at some point and maybe some...
  6. Pebble

    Ceramic coating

    A good read explaining why a lot of brand new cars have swirl marks and or holograms
  7. Pebble

    Ohme Home Pro third party mount?

    Inshreds - can you post a photo? Would like to compare yours with our Ohme Home Pro.
  8. Pebble

    Anyone had to sell?

    Just out of curiosity, put our 72 plate, January 3rd 2023 reg FL MG5 into Motorway.............. £17447 :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: So about a 48% (ish) drop in just under 4 months.
  9. Pebble

    App update?

    Android phone, currently running 1.1.10. Tried to do update via the app and response is "the current version is the latest version".
  10. Pebble

    Maximum speed in reverse

    Just for fun..... Does the Leaf still hold the record and what's the fastest you've been in reverse? Nissan Leaf Sets Reverse Speed Record at Goodwood [video] I tried it the other day on along driveway at work and got up to 15mph and bottled out lol. The acceleration in reverse was just as...
  11. Pebble

    New MG 5 arriving soon - Any useful tweaks/tips/life hacks I should know about?

    FWIW, and 4 months into our first EV, we didn't buy our 5 Trophy for its economy and TBH, this aspect of ownership wasn't even on the radar when going electric. Having had a ZOE and ZS SR as courtesy cars, we were swayed by the performance, quietness, smoothness and overall relaxed driving...
  12. Pebble

    Led rear indicator and reverse lamps

    Paste these item numbers into the Amazon search box : B08QN1R78F and B0B7RHKWS2
  13. Pebble

    FL interior temperature.

    ISmart app seems to be the only place you'll see the interior temp.. Not very useful if you're driving though. Have use one of these before in previous cars, caravans and motorhomes, available through Amazon. 0.54£ |Car Interior Thermometer Tool | Thermometer Sensor | Replacement Parts -...
  14. Pebble

    MG4 new owner - what cable should I buy?

    For us, 10m 32A cable from EV Onestop. Better to have the extra capacity IMO, may never need it but you never know.
  15. Pebble

    Home charging -- am I being ripped off?

    IMO, it's wrong that a third party supplier (the "landlord"?), can charge more than they're been charged for the electricity. Sure, they have to make soime profit to cover the equipment but that can be done via a standard, fixed service cost per charge. Overcharging in the leisure industry is...
  16. Pebble

    Information on the 12V Battery.

    Having come from leisure boat and caravan/motorhome industries, I've been a supporter of using leisure batteries in lieu of starter batteries since getting our MG5. We all know from the previous posts and other threads that a starter battery with a CCA isn't necessary for EVs. When my 12v...
  17. Pebble

    Information on the 12V Battery.

    Chart here
  18. Pebble

    Forced change of Dealer.

    Most car dealers, including MG, will do a "whilst you wait" service.
  19. Pebble

    MG ZS EV Trophy Connect 2023 Maxxis Bravo M3

    Just out of interest, what's the difference between a Michelin tyre manufactured in China and one made in Europe (apart from the geograhical distance lol)? FWIW, I've run non branded tyres like Jinyu and Landsail for years on cars up to 300bhp with no issues
  20. Pebble

    Rear seat belt alarm when folded

    On our 5 Trophy, as we carry a 34kg dog on the back seat and two in the boot, I've disconnected the rear seat belt warning. Simply remove the seat base and pull the two connectors apart and stow loose ends safely.
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