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  1. scoobeesnac

    Digital Launch 13th September

    Interesting - thanks.
  2. scoobeesnac

    Digital Launch 13th September

    A few interesting facts from the presentation - brake discs all round, by-wire braking, dual pinion electronic power steering and it does look as though the DRLs are the eye-lashes not in the bumper. The braking system in the ZS EV is certainly a highlight, and better than the VW systems - so...
  3. scoobeesnac

    Unconfirmed specs

    A few light shows front/back of the Mulan in this video
  4. scoobeesnac

    Order books are open!

    As I understand the MG4 is a totally separate production line with different components.
  5. scoobeesnac

    MG4 Reviews from various online publications

    Reminds me of my ZS EV test drive when it said to go 70 in a 20 area...I put it down to the poor cameras and AI recognition. I've not seen any mention of the MG4 camera quality yet.
  6. scoobeesnac

    MG4 - First UK dealer hands on photos and specifications

    Now /that/ would be a spoiler ;)
  7. scoobeesnac

    MG ZS EV Shipping Updates
  8. scoobeesnac

    MG4 - First UK dealer hands on photos and specifications

    To be fair if they can sell more than they can make then all is well without attending :)
  9. scoobeesnac

    MG EVs Podcast Friday 19 August 2022 @ 7:30pm BST

    Hi - it has been rumoured that the MG4 may have a new "dual pinion" electronic power steering, is that the case in Europe or will the system be similar to the ZS EV? Thanks.
  10. scoobeesnac

    ACC Ghost cars ahead - ZS EV Facelift

    Yes, I’ve noticed this on one occasion at least.
  11. scoobeesnac

    MG ZS EV HV Battery shut off

    I have been monitoring our Mk2 and hoping to see the HV charge the 12v automagically at some point but nothing showing yet. Will have to leave the car for more than a couple of days to see what happens.
  12. scoobeesnac

    MG4 - First UK dealer hands on photos and specifications

    It's good news that the MG4 can tow - I would infer from that the vertical load is the same as the ZS EV 50kg, it's quite restrictive with a bike carrier + bikes, but possible.
  13. scoobeesnac

    Apple CarPlay connections issues

    I assume you've tried removing the car from the iPhone and rebooting?
  14. scoobeesnac

    Apple CarPlay connections issues

    No issues here on our hire car delivered July and we have used it almost every day. The only problem came when the infotainment locked up on a crucial navigation point :( quick reset and all was well again. Best of luck resolving it - we allowed CarPlay when locked, maybe it’s going to...
  15. scoobeesnac

    MG ZS EV Shipping Updates

    Right - If I’m not mistaken all order numbers start 30000 plus 5 digits.
  16. scoobeesnac

    MG ZS EV Shipping Updates

    That’s an interesting scenario - I do wonder if anyone with order numbers <49k are still waiting?
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