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  1. R

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    In 2022 there wasn't really much room for discounts off list. I got 2 discounts : £1.5k off for taking a PCP and £0.5k from getting different quotes from CARWOW. Used (about a year old - I never buy used any older ) was the same price or sometimes more as you didn't have to wait. I could have...
  2. R

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    They have. Using Motorway v last month mines up about £500.
  3. R

    EV opposition in the media is ramping up

    As we know. Best way to convert a hesitant or even an anti is to get them in one.
  4. R

    UK 3 PIN plug charger… waterproof?

    When using the granny, although it is waterproof, I still always locate it under the car on the odd occasions I use it. Screw Fix sell decent extension cables that have waterproof sockets and and are robust enough to use with the granny.
  5. R

    Preparing the car for winter

    Get some wing mirror 'mittens'.
  6. R

    My ones BIGGER than your one!

    My 'Blue Balls' are bigger than yours
  7. R

    Automatic speed limiting dangerous behaviour from car

    I use it in the centre of London where there are lots of 20 mph zones.
  8. R

    SAIC in trouble? Others are growing, SAIC continues to decline.

    Your point wasn't about Chinese v Korean. It was about Jim Farleys view of Fords v Chinese. If he had lived with the specific MG I have driven for 2 years, I don't believe the assessment he made would have changed. Your comment put forward the proposition that it would.
  9. R

    SAIC in trouble? Others are growing, SAIC continues to decline.

    Ok then. Whilst I can't speak for any other particular car of any model or brand, if he had, had my particular car over the past 2 years, it would have been perfectly fine, software / infotainment wise for over those 2 years. Unless the software would have behaved differently just for him.
  10. R

    What you having for your Tea/Dinner, tonight. ?

    The wife asked yesterday would I like some dinner. I asked what are the choices. She replied yes or no.
  11. R

    New thing happened to me today (unnecessary emergency braking)

    If FSD vehicles ever actually arrive eg RoboTaxis I will be using them.
  12. R

    I just wondered. Do folk in EVs

    Or Gary Numans Cars.
  13. R

    New thing happened to me today (unnecessary emergency braking)

    I only use LKA when as part of combined MG Pilot with ACC on motorways, especially long journeys. I find with that it does not jerk you around but, along with the ACC component, makes the jouneys a lot easier and less tiring.
  14. R

    SAIC in trouble? Others are growing, SAIC continues to decline.

    I've lived perfectly fine with MGs for just over 2 years now.
  15. R

    Ismart App Keeps logging out

    Must be very annoying. I occasionally get token expired ( maybe a couple of times per year ) but that's it.
  16. R

    Figuring out the bars for battery

    Would one of the OBD2 Dongles and a suitable smartphone app eg Car Scanner show battery % state of charge. Maybe use an old (now 'spare' ) smartphone entirely for just this.
  17. R

    The great big insurance rip off

    When used ( claimed on ) its one of the highest paying out insurances, something like 95% of cases.
  18. R

    The great big insurance rip off

    I got open market GAP insurance. You should do so. For 3 years cover it would probably only cost about £200 to £300.
  19. R

    What you having for your Tea/Dinner, tonight. ?

    The slugs can't get in.
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