I prefer the look of the covers and the extra miles range they give, even if only a few. Inflating the tyres is straight forward with a screw on attachment to your inflator that clips onto the tyre nozzle, rather than screws on.
Once it reaches it then yes, it will be whatever you set. But if I have not turned it or the fan on, is there a way the actual internal temperature at that point can be seen on the infotainment screen or the drivers screen. It can clearly be measured as you can see it on the app if you run the...
On the MG app if you run the check the car status function, amongst other things it shows the cars internal temperature. Is there a way you can see the internal temperature on the infotainment screen or the drivers screen. Not the external temp or the temp you have set the car to heat to or cool...
The only time it matters is it potentially creates the minor inconvenience of public changing
For those who can't charge at home, this isn't really a factor re the convenience, as they do it anyway.
Obviously there is a cost implication.ower range = more charges = more costs. If you are...
The red light in the ice car is the same as the EV displaying the range in red (down at a low percentage) and telling you to recharge. However zero battery / zero range in the EV would be the same as my old car, not only having the fuel light red but also saying zero miles of driving available...
Likewise. Though I have to multiply battery percentage x 70 x current m/kwh, then knock a tad off. I can't multiply by 68.2. My mental maths isn't good enough. Although on a long journey If I start at 100% I will also see how many miles I have done at 25% and 50% battery used also.
I use the inbuilt for local journeys just for possible traffic issues. For any long or unfamiliar journeys I use my stand alone (apart from the power) Tom Tom.
I had them on my last car ( Michellin Cross Climates). They were good. Problem is I dont want to put hundreds of pounds of new tyres on...
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