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  1. Robf

    MG4 Lane keep assist

    Very much worth a look, estimated reduction of fatalities for the warning alone. In America, nearly 13,000 people died in single-vehicle run-off-road, head-on, and sideswipe crashes where a passenger vehicle left the lane unintentionally in 2015 alone, (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety...
  2. Robf

    Timed Charging

    Google it, loads of YouTube videos. :oops:
  3. Robf

    Auto background mode sometimes not working

    You can also use voice command to darken or lighten
  4. Robf

    Do all the versions have auto high beam?

    Even on auto, you can still dip and re-engage with the stalk?
  5. Robf

    Saturday Arvo project

    Is that not the official MG mother in law seat upgrade?
  6. Robf

    Thinking of getting a second hand MG ZS EV. Pros and cons of this car?

    The ZS is wallowy, not great for car sickness
  7. Robf

    Thinking of getting a second hand MG ZS EV. Pros and cons of this car?

    If you are moving on from a fiat 500L I would also consider the MG4, it is a better car for most circumstances, is roomy and surprisingly very good to drive. Just depends on your circumstances (ZS has very good ground clearance but is a tad more wallowy and not so satisfying to drive). I concur...
  8. Robf

    WiFi upgrade - charger problems

    Why not phone the charger maker and ask them? They will talk you through it properly
  9. Robf

    MG4 Air Conditioning (potential) problem?

    Do check you have not closed them by pushing the adjustment lever too far to one side? Oops sorry, I see you are aware of that
  10. Robf

    Charging novice

    Have been only charging the MG4 (Trophy) at home so decided to check that it would charge with rapid charger. Tried the Tesla chargers at Denbies (just outside Dorking). So easy, already had downloaded the app. From 40% to 80% in 18 mins, max rate 140 kW (only issue is not really enough time for...
  11. Robf

    Charging cable not locking, not charging

    Maybe give the release cable a few pulls and some wd40? Might be a bit jammed open
  12. Robf

    Charger Problem

    Not sure about that, I asked for and got full refund from Samsung for dodgy telly after 4 years, CAB will advise. The point is that Exdro can prove that goods were not fit for purpose at purchase, e.g. item is obsolete and no longer supported >6 years, therefore should not have been sold. Its a...
  13. Robf

    Charger Problem

    Contact citizens advice. You can easily prove that it is not fit for purpose and as such they have to replace or refund (for up to 6 years route is via small claims court). CAB will supply you with the relevant letter template (just give them a call they are brilliant to deal with) and also EO...
  14. Robf

    Charger Problem

    I have the EO mini Pro2, been about 4 years and no problems as yet. It does sometimes trip out, and is connected via wireless that can be a bit iffy, but other than that no problems. You haven't by any chance recently installed powerline adaptor in the house ?
  15. Robf

    How much you paid for a brand new MG4

    I used them for my ZS, just make sure wherever you buy that it is the updated model.
  16. Robf

    350 miles a week mainly motorway. Is EV a good idea?

    Definately I would go for it, and get Octopus Go and an electroverse card from them. From experience, charge car when there is enough charge in the car for a full journey, you will never then be stuck if there is a problem overnight charging (never happened to me though). I used to drive...
  17. Robf

    First Long Journey

    If You have not got an electroverse card then I would strongly (very strongly) advise you get one. Even works on the Dragon chargers in Wales (was brilliant for me in France, and for the Mrs on holiday in Wales).
  18. Robf

    iSmart 2.x merged; please use for all iSmart 2.x issues

    Nothing to do with the car, its very likely that you are logging in with your e-mail instead of phone number... or other way round
  19. Robf

    MG4 Trophy issues (cables and AA connectivity)

    Try re-booting the system (I am sure you have heard that one before :)). Hold down the home button for approx 20 secs until it reboots. It might fix.
  20. Robf

    Power steering failed on 2 month old car. No MG garage can fix under warranty until 15 July!

    Give citizens advice a call, they will ensure you are fully aware of your rights and support you. They are very good.
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