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  1. Caramaddy

    I hate my MG4!

    Interesting comment. We have a Lexus NX300h as our main car. I bought the MG5 as a rubbish / dog carrier with low expectations compared to the Lexus. To my surprise I actually prefer driving the MG5. The whole driving experience is excellent. Obviously the build quality can't be compared to...
  2. Caramaddy

    Resale Value

    Exactly the reason I bought my MG - it was very good value used. ICE cars depreciate roughly the same amount. Very few people go back to ICE after owning an EV. Of course those that do, will be given LOTS of publicity.
  3. Caramaddy

    MG4 Ticking/Rattling Noise Coming From Behind The Steering Wheel

    These cars do tend to make funny noises, so it is hard to tell if there is a problem. My MG5 PFL makes a ticking noise but when stationary - no idea what it is but at this point I am not concerned. My Lexus hybrid makes all sorts of strange noises at times.
  4. Caramaddy

    Headlight adjustment for continental driving

    LED do not need any adjustment for the continent.
  5. Caramaddy

    PFL DAB Radio - wanna see a trick?

    Must try that! Not really bothered about DAB / FM / CarPlay / CD player.
  6. Caramaddy

    ChargeMap in Britain

    ChargeMap is excellent for touring France. A must have if you holiday there in your EV!
  7. Caramaddy

    A new, more complimentary video ?️

    No subtitles here!!!! ONLY French subtitles!
  8. Caramaddy

    Boot permanently unlocked.

    Good point!
  9. Caramaddy

    Anatomy of a near miss.

    I hate rural roads and avoid using them if at all possdible. You probably have no choice. If two motorists are driving fast then the chances of having an accident must be high. Possibly it is my age but I feel the standard of driving and impatience is getting worse.
  10. Caramaddy

    MG5 long range 71 plate SOH After 62000 miles. Do you have any figures?

    Watch this video. It should make you feel much better - it did me!
  11. Caramaddy

    Boot permanently unlocked.

    I keep my keys in a faraday box, where the car can't "speak" to the keys! If your keys are in range, someone can open the boot.
  12. Caramaddy

    Driving through a Ford

    It is all about risk. If you are willing to risk it and it gets through you may have a smug look on on your face .......... but If it goes pear shaped then it will be you who will be picking up the bill. Far better to find an alternative route than try to save time.
  13. Caramaddy

    Corrosion protection

    I am intending to Lanoguard the underside and wheel arches of both my cars. It needs to be done every 12 months but is relatively easy to apply. Will do a post on this with photos when I do the work.
  14. Caramaddy

    Sleeping in MG4 [merged thread]

    I would be cautious - better safe than sorry to protect Caliban.
  15. Caramaddy

    MG sales dropping in NL

    All dealers, EV and ICE cars, have been pre-registering cars via the manufacturer to keep sales up. That is why you see so much discounting. Especially where the cars are older. However, will the bubble burst?
  16. Caramaddy

    Not how I thought today was going to pan out...

    Does not bode well for warranty claims.
  17. Caramaddy

    Let’s put the record straight

    Survey done
  18. Caramaddy

    unreliability survey

    I believe any new model will have issues, from all manufacturers. Interesting that the MG5 complaints are not as numerous as the MG5 on the forum. Just my observation.
  19. Caramaddy

    Boot space modification

    That is very neat!
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