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  1. Susanna

    XPower Insurance Renewal Refused

    Some people might be tempted to lower their premium by adding a driver, and then lying if necessary. I wouldn’t.
  2. Susanna

    XPower Insurance Renewal Refused

    I don’t know whether anyone else mentioned this, as I confess I didn’t RTFT, but if you add someone to your comprehensive insurance, it does indeed lower the premium. However, if, for some accidental reason, for example you break your arm abroad on holiday, the named person would be expected to...
  3. Susanna

    Possibly returning ZS EV owner :)

    @hmadsen - I have a Carlinkit dongle for wireless CarPlay - saves all the faffing plugging and unplugging the phone. Most forum members who have any make of these dongles recommend setting a 30 second delay, giving the infotainment time to fully boot up before the dongle tries to connect. I...
  4. Susanna

    MG ZS service- being ripped off?

    Glyn Hopkin - Milton Keynes branch.
  5. Susanna

    Possibly returning ZS EV owner :)

    I don’t think there’s been any updates to infotainment and certainly no OTAs - I don’t use the in-built sat nav; preferring Apple Maps as that shows roadworks/traffic jams etc. I haven’t had any issues with my 2022 ZS EV Trophy, but I’ve driven less than 11000 miles. The car suits me fine, as I...
  6. Susanna

    Merry Christmas to all

    We had a high of 19 degrees here in Portugal yesterday, and hoping for similar today. Off to find a big supermarket, and hopefully something vegetarian for my Christmas dinner tomorrow, otherwise it’s going to be a mushroom omelette. Edited to add - I found some seitan and a selection of salad...
  7. Susanna

    MG ZS EV 2024 - iSmart connection issues

    I saw a post about this from another forum member, and it was to do with the recent android update. Do you have another type of phone/tablet that you could use, just to bind the car? Once bound to your account, you can then access it from the troublesome phone. Worth a try?
  8. Susanna

    Merry Christmas to all

    I’m definitely not having a white Christmas this year! Currently sitting on the terrace of a little villa in Vilamoura, Portugal. It’s T shirt and shorts weather 🌞
  9. Susanna

    Satnav not progressing when on route

    @crownie You need to turn off ‘dead reckoning’ in the sat nav settings, and then reset the infotainment by pressing and holding the physical home button until MG reappears on the screen.
  10. Susanna

    MG ZS service- being ripped off?

    @EV convert - you are right; it’s important to check. My car wasn’t recorded with MG Assistance after its first service, and I had to chase the garage to get it done. The car had its second service in November, and this time everything was recorded properly.
  11. Susanna

    MG ZS service- being ripped off?

    My 4 year service plan is only £7.52 per month. No MOTs included, but obviously includes a continuation of the MG AA breakdown cover.
  12. Susanna

    Can you remove the ZS Trophy Roof bars?

    I have no use for the roof bars, other than needing to hang onto them when washing/drying the car!
  13. Susanna

    Slamming On (Again)

    It’s certainly worth trying. I have a ZS but I have never experienced the emergency braking scenario myself, although I have had a warning flash up if I have approached a line of cars quicker than the car thought I should…….
  14. Susanna


    I also bought one from eBay. It works perfectly on my 2022 ZS Trophy.
  15. Susanna

    Tomato Energy

    I joined on 23rd September, and still haven’t received a bill. I could see nothing at all in MyWatts, but last time I spoke to customer support, I was recommended to use the Hugo app, which works well with TE, but only has the ability to calculate 2 different times of use.
  16. Susanna


    I don’t use the in-built sat nav, preferring Apple maps, via CarPlay. I have a dongle which makes CarPlay wireless, and Siri works perfectly well through the car’s microphone. I use what3words frequently for destinations, which MG’s sat nav wouldn’t recognise. In addition, Apple maps (and...
  17. Susanna


    @Derek B My post #3 explains MG’s changes to their model names and the particular specifications that were added or lost. For example, the V2L and the pano roof were discontinued (although some people were lucky to get a car with one or both of these) - I don’t think there was a definitive...
  18. Susanna


    @Derek B SR or LR makes no difference.
  19. Susanna

    Tomato Energy

    @emmrecs I had a Smets2 meter installed by Octopus just a couple of weeks before joining TE, and I was told it takes 5 or 6 weeks for a new energy company to successfully access your meter. From your very helpful information above, I shall just wait patiently, without prompting TE again!
  20. Susanna

    Tomato Energy

    I transferred to Tomato Energy on 23rd September. I am still awaiting a bill, and there is no usage information on ‘mywatts’. I have spoken to them many times, and they keep saying that they are able to read my smart meter, and it will be sorted soon. I also have the ‘Hugo’ app, which shows my...
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