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  1. Susanna

    Finally cracked the wireless carplay dongle problems

    Setting the delay is crucial, I believe, for all CarPlay adapters from what I have read on this forum for any MG version. It simply allows the car infotainment to fully boot up, and subsequently connect to the adapter. Using without this delay appears to cause confusion to the infotainment and...
  2. Susanna

    CarPlay dongle

    I have a Carlinkit ‘dongle’ and have also found that allowing a delay in the settings (mine is 30 seconds) gives a better, more stable connection. By the time you have fastened your seatbelt and are ready to drive off, it’s all working well. I still prefer that then endlessly plugging in and...
  3. Susanna

    Navigation update ☹️

    I don’t use my in-built sat nav either. Apple Maps for me works well, and has the ability (as does google maps, of course) to use what3words, which is a godsend in country areas.
  4. Susanna

    MG ZS missing V2L function

    I bought a V2L adapter very similar to the former from eBay - I think I paid around £15 - it works fine. I appreciate that’s not what you asked, but I wouldn’t mind betting they are all made in the same factory in China!
  5. Susanna

    Tomato Energy

    @MG Madness When I switched to Tomato Energy from Octopus, I presumed I couldn’t continue to have just gas from Octopus. I spent a frustrating afternoon trying to find an alternative supplier - I settled for Scottish Power.
  6. Susanna

    Great day out with your MG? Post up a picture ?

    I saw the Kelpies too, but only in daylight - I’d love to see them lit up. Perhaps there’s a picture online somewhere? I must investigate.
  7. Susanna

    Great day out with your MG? Post up a picture ?

    @Archev I enjoyed a trip on the Falkirk Wheel in the summer of 2023, but I still don’t understand how it works! Ingenious and fascinating, nevertheless.
  8. Susanna

    Digital key

    The ‘share’ option means that someone else can unlock (and presumably start) your car - I’m not exactly sure how it works on the MG, but my son needed to use something similar on his car. I’m guessing it again requires a connection between phones.
  9. Susanna

    Digital key

    @Rob24 I used it after arriving at a shopping centre, without my key. I had previously left my car running on my driveway, while I popped indoors to change my bag. I was in a hurry, as a friend had arrived for our trip, and it simply didn’t occur to me that the key had been left in the ‘old’...
  10. Susanna


    @Lovemyev - apologies!
  11. Susanna


    I was looking at various ‘pages’ on the infotainment screen today, and found this
  12. Susanna

    ZS EV servicing.

    I had that issue also, after my first service. Next time, I won’t be leaving the garage without confirmation!
  13. Susanna


    I can’t remember seeing one on my car.
  14. Susanna

    2nd service average cost?

    I think I got a good deal with my nearest MG dealer - £7.52 pcm for a low mileage four year service contract. MG AA breakdown cover included.
  15. Susanna


    @smokingblack - I had one professionally printed from the download. If I sell my vehicle privately, it shows the buyer that it’s been regularly serviced. It also reminds me what should be done, and when.
  16. Susanna

    Won't go into Park after R59 update

    @EV convert In all honesty, why wouldn’t you try the above suggestion first? It just resets everything, and has been shown to cure all manner of issues. It can’t possibly do any harm, and could save you time and inconvenience.
  17. Susanna

    Reverse warning

  18. Susanna

    Not how I thought today was going to pan out...

    The frustration and anger you must be feeling both with the length of time this is taking, and the total lack of responsibility, understanding and action by both MG and Arnold Clark. Absolutely unbelievable.
  19. Susanna


    @Gadget Geek Thanks for that - I just had a quick look, but the price…..ouch! However, if the running costs are lower, then it’s worth considering.
  20. Susanna


    @emmrecs Thanks for this recommendation. I too have microbore pipework - such a pain - and my boiler is okay at the moment…….(touching wood here)…..but it’s good to have information at the ready, just in case!
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