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  1. Susanna

    MG ZSEV 2 year service. Pollen Filter replacement be careful!

    Thank you - much appreciated!
  2. Susanna

    MG ZSEV 2 year service. Pollen Filter replacement be careful!

    @STMDUK My car is due for its second service next month, and I would like to check for debris before it goes in. Forgive my ignorance, but where exactly do I need to look, and hoover out if necessary? I watched the video, where the glove box was disconnected, and a plastic front piece removed...
  3. Susanna

    British Gas and Hive free charge question about installation

    @gazza487 Oh absolutely! I am actually on a looped supply, and National Grid eventually came out to upgrade mine and my neighbour’s cut outs, when it was brought to their attention that the DNO hadn’t done anything. We are still looped, as my neighbour (understandably) didn’t want their...
  4. Susanna

    Apple CarPlay & Phone Charging

    @Pedro. Carlinkit works better if you set a delay of, say, 20 seconds. You can find this in the settings page. This gives the infotainment time to boot up before the Carlinkit starts. I hope this helps.
  5. Susanna

    British Gas and Hive free charge question about installation

    @tsedge I agree with you. I was just stating what I had read!
  6. Susanna

    British Gas and Hive free charge question about installation

    I’m sure I read that they can be installed by anyone, as long as it is then checked by a qualified installer. However, that would still command a substantial charge, I would imagine.
  7. Susanna

    EVA England survey of EV users published - good evidence to combat misinformation....

    I skimmed through it, admittedly, but didn’t notice anything about providing lighting and shelter at public charging points. I very rarely need to charge other than on my own EVSE, but I do feel that it should be a consideration.
  8. Susanna

    Parking ticket by text - convincing scam

    This parking ticket scam is very common just now. As previously stated, it doesn’t happen by texts - how would they get your mobile? Also, most seem to say from ‘DVSA’, who definitely don’t deal with parking tickets. They usually have spelling and/or grammar mistakes - a common one being...
  9. Susanna

    Tomato Energy Experience

    It’s quite annoying to get these messages - I have only been with TE for 10 days, so not got to that point yet, but I have up to date smart meters (installed on 16.09.24), which are supposed to work with every energy company. If they are offering different rates for all times of the day and...
  10. Susanna

    Radio doesn't work

    @Alun26 Disconnecting the negative terminal on the battery for 10 minutes or so will perform a factory reset.
  11. Susanna

    Let’s put the record straight

    Survey done.
  12. Susanna

    Is there V2l on a 2023 ZS EV TROPHY connect UK model?

    @Jobhn2bol On my 2022 ZS, the V2L worked only while the car was in ready mode. At first service, I requested the update to enable V2L to continue working with the car off and locked. Have you tried this? If V2L stops working when you turn off the car and lock it, you need another software update.
  13. Susanna

    What have you got, that's lasted you for years and years. ??

    I have one of those also! Invaluable for picnics, and storing (some of) the contents of my freezer while the latter is being defrosted.
  14. Susanna

    Charged a fee for software updates? (MG4)

    I have the ZS, but I feel the issue is the same - MG originally advertised OTA updates (for the infotainment), but since that has not materialised, surely no-one should be charged for those? My infotainment works reasonably well, and nothing was updated when it had its first service last...
  15. Susanna

    Anyone here fly a drone?

    @Bricktop X PWR Amazing pictures - thanks for sharing. Love the multi coloured tractor/trailers!
  16. Susanna

    Tomato Energy Experience

    @Gadget Geek That’s fabulous, and very funny!!!
  17. Susanna

    Tomato Energy Experience

    I have only just read this thread, as I (stupidly) thought it was about some wacky process of getting energy from salad ingredients……. I too have now signed up, as the tariffs are indeed generally lower than Octopus. The peak rate is slightly higher, but not sufficiently so to worry about.
  18. Susanna

    Octopus Go times?

    I have been on Octopus Go for the best part of 2 years. The cheap rate was for 4 hours 00.30 - 04.30. I noticed today on the Octopus app, it states 5 hours, 00.30 - 05.30. When did that happen? I had no idea.
  19. Susanna

    Petrol v Electric cars. ??

    @Rolfe No - not one mention of these many ‘extra’ conveniences that EV’s provide ?
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