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    Better headlights

    No, they're illegal because they don't have an "E" mark on them because of the prohibitive cost (barrier to entry) of the testing
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    Mg zs ev lazy lock

    Another £ saved
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    Mg zs ev lazy lock

    Maybe ask if anyone knows what "lazy lock capabilities" are first? ?
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    ZS ev vacuum pump uses....

    It's a diesel so doesn't create enough "suck" like a petrol, that's why it has a pump..
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    ZS ev vacuum pump uses....

    Brake servo is the only biggy I can think of... Handbrake is electrically operated I believe?
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    ZS EV second service costs M62 corridor?

    What's the going rate for ZS EV second service (normal not low mileage) ? Some dealer websites suggest the brake fluid change & pollen filter change is extra ? Others say it's included...? ??‍♂️ Anyone got any info please? It will go somewhere along M62 corridor but prices from anywhere UK...
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    ZS ev vacuum pump uses....

    Interesting comment from a service desk "agent" that the vacuum system on an MG ZS EV "does more than just the brakes you know" ... Like what? ??
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    Looking to buy a ZS EV 2019-21 model

    You originally mentioned UV specifically. I pointed out the reality of UV & transmission through glass. Simples. You now introduce heat ??‍♂️ not usually an issue in UK ?.
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    Looking to buy a ZS EV 2019-21 model

    Even clear glass blocks almost all UVB & 25% UVA. Tinted glass still allows 60-70% transmission of UVA. ??‍♂️
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    Solar and house battery installation

    That's to be decided by looking into things in detail... oh well. "my payments were going up from £170 per month to £540." "My energy bill would have risen to £430 per month" ??‍♂️ Dunno? Indeed it is. I've asked questions some of which have generated more questions & apparently irritated...
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    Solar and house battery installation

    Asking questions != challenging??‍♂️.... unless there's something you're worried about bring uncovered ? If you hadn't started bragging none of this would have happened probably... But claiming others' standard consensus of established payback periods is "wrong" & using seemingly high (&...
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    Solar and house battery installation

    No need to be defensive. Now you are starting to sound like a salesman ? Sounds like quite a man cave ?
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    Solar and house battery installation

    I'm merely querying the detail as I'm not convinced all this stacks up. How much was the heat pump? Did you cough up to resize the radiators or is that where the gas usage comes in?
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    Solar and house battery installation

    So what do you heat your house with in winter?
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    Solar and house battery installation

    £430 per month at £0.3 per kWh is 1433 kWh. 1433kwh /30 is 47.77 kWh per day... How big's that battery again?
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    Solar and house battery installation

    ??‍♂️ YMMV £430 per month ! In summer? I used your figures not mine, I see there are now "better" figures. Well, ?for winter & the rest of the "assumptions". Good luck with it ?
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    Solar and house battery installation

    More analysis required ? So £40* x12 =£480 + £288 = £768 p.a. "saved" £12000 cost - straight line depreciated over 10 years £1200 per year (if nothing breaks) £1200-768 = £432 Er.. what am I missing? *Assumed a monthly average? as winter will not be as generous as summer... Oh I know...
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    Solar and house battery installation

    Well to be more pedantic, as your harvesting equipment has a finite life, you really should temper your smugness with a logical assessment of where your money has gone ?
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