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  1. profdraper

    MG4 seating height?

    Haven't got in an MG4 yet, but loved the seating height in my previous ZSEV, could step right in, great visibility and much better for the elderly in general. Is the MG4 lower that & how easy is it to get in and out of, ie, is it actually 'SUV' in that respect or more like boy racer? I hated the...
  2. profdraper

    One full year of ownership

    In my experience & having owned a few EVs now, solar charge trickling tends to work best with NMC battery chemistries, less so with LFP that really wants to be charged in one consatnt level pass, from a lower level (say 30%) to 100% on an AC charger. Works best overnight, off peak & mostly the...
  3. profdraper

    MG4 LFP/NMC batteries
  4. profdraper

    100% Balancing Charge - Frequency and Method

    Some of this depends on battery chemistry: if NMC (long range) then more fiddling & pre-planning; if LFP (short range) then whenever & however you like, mostly. You can practically only balance on an AC 7kW charger, also granny but that would usually take far too long to be useful or...
  5. profdraper

    Wishlist/'must haves' for next version of the ZS EV?

    New one coming soon, based on the msp platform as per the MG4. Next-gen MG ZS EV expected to touch down by 2024 I dont have too many problems with the existing model. It gets weaker the further you go back on the car, so: Lights in the rear row, for sure Possibly electric tail gate (cost? I...
  6. profdraper

    Updated model coming soon?
  7. profdraper

    ZS EV 2024 facelift?

    No, MSP [ Modular Scalable Platform, designed for EVs ] platform is next, as per the MG4:
  8. profdraper

    Plastic Wheel Trim

    As per my earlier post & photo the hubs need to be rotated so as to correclty use the larger slot for air valve access (clearly these are not usually fitted correctly at shipment). Re. removing the covers: My son (an experienced car mechanic) had a look at this for a few seconds, then...
  9. profdraper

    Plastic Wheel Trim

    One of the wheel cover slots is larger than the others & is made for the air valve access; just remove & rotate to sit that over the valves. See below, is very clear, the bottom most slot & marked with green texta.
  10. profdraper

    Uber newbie to the EV world and...............

    Somehow the UK Mg fora are just full of this complaining. Can only assume MG UK might not be the sharpest kids on the block … so many of the criticisms are similar for other cars with higher price tags. And this apparent anti-Chinese sentiment which borders on racism. In any case, much less of...
  11. profdraper

    Road trip: Melbourne to Canberra in one day

    Why not plan out a few scenarios using a Better Route Planner? eg the route via Albany looks very doable, ABRP Alternately, you could check EV stations on PlugShare; filter to show only CCS/SAE; then perhaps use these as waypoints on the SatNav or Google Maps etc. Wodonga City Council |...
  12. profdraper

    Wheel covers

    Correct, I posted on this forum about this last year. The covers are not necessarily fitted the right way; only one of the slots fits the air valve correctly to make filling up the tyres easy. One slot is a different size to the rest, so take the caps off, examine this & rotate to fit as it...
  13. profdraper

    Pump up your tyres!

    Of course, I've always followed the recomenndations that are written on the inside of the driver;s door on any car. ZSEV: 2.8bar /41psi, a no brainer,no problems.
  14. profdraper

    Infotainment system - annoyances or just me?

    I have never had such a problem on either a gen 1 or gen 2 ZSEV: when set to a radio station (always DAB in my case) the car simply starts up again & plays the last selected station.
  15. profdraper

    How do I tell if my car is a GEN 1 or GEN 2?

    Well they look entirely different to begin with (google some images). In any case, you have a gen 2 given the year and the long range battery (only in a gen 2). Re. battery chemistry, the long range gen 2 and the earlier gen 1 both have NMC battery chemistry, meaning, charging regularly only to...
  16. profdraper

    Recommendation for Wireless CarPlay dongle

    Personally, I'd just plug in it with a short cable. Still:
  17. profdraper

    Balance charging

    Gen 2: when the front port light is blue,the car is still charging on full power; when it is green it is balancing on trickle charge; when the light goes out it is done.
  18. profdraper

    In Praise of the ZS

    & especially in the UK it would seem ...where surely there must be a different MG shipped there to the rest of the world. Have never seen so much winging & this does not appear in anywhere near such volume other parts of the world, ie, India, Australia, New Zealand etc. Personally, I've owned...
  19. profdraper

    MG ZS missing V2L function

    Up to 9A (2200w). Here, under ‘V2X’ capability:,for%20the%20AC%20charge%20socket.
  20. profdraper

    Balance charging

    The car balances above 100% SOC. How long it takes depends on the battery chemistry & the overall health /age /owner practices to date. Easy way to tell is in the last stages of charging, ceheck the front charging light (gen 1 or gen 2) & until it goes out, ie, from full wack charging to...
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