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  1. profdraper

    MG ZS EV FL (Software-Update)

    FWIW, I recently had my 2022 MG ZS EV in for its first '3k courtesy service' (yes, does come as an incentive with some dealerships). In doing so, they automatically applied all of the most recent sw update campaigns: CAMPAIGN CMGZSEVCCU - CCU CONTROL MODULE PROGRAMMING CAMPAIGN CMGZSEVEVCC -...
  2. profdraper

    MG4 XPower Competitors (Top Trumps)

    Also Cupra Born, Renault eMegane, BYD Dolphin, Ora.
  3. profdraper

    Reduced range in winter (merged)
  4. profdraper

    Can there ever be enough DC chargers?

    Less overpriced ultra rapids (that few EVs can take advantage of) and more practical 50-100kW.
  5. profdraper

    Lazy or Just Stupid Media

    Both Lazy AND stupid AND always looking to promote bad news in this social media compeditive '24 hour news cycle'. I guess the upside might be that it certainly makes one more discenrning about what to read, which sources are accurate & in general how to do a little empirical research vs...
  6. profdraper

    Reduced range in winter (merged)

    The OP doesn't mention which model or battery chemistry (LFP SR or NMC LR) however the EV Database provides some useful reference points for this or any EV:
  7. profdraper

    ZS EV steering rack noise

    The OP does not seem to indicate exactlty which car this is, but I assume a gen 1 ZS EV(?). In any case, this was a well known issue for those cars due to sometimes faulty Bosch steering collumn parts. I had this in my earlier gen 1, but the fix was not necessarily to replace the whole thing...
  8. profdraper

    What’s your best hint or hack that you do to make the ZS EV experience even better

    Only a small thing, but the door handles were prone to stick in wet weather (both gen 1 & gen 2). Sprayed the handle internals with WD40 Silcon spray and the problem never returned (as yet).
  9. profdraper

    Passenger door not working

    Can't say I've ever had this problem on a gen 1 or now on a gen 2, however, FWIW: Had my 22 ZS EV underatke its first 3k courtesy service & three software updates were installed, one of these apparently to do with 'door lock': CAMPAIGN CMGZSEVCCU - CCU CONTROL MODULE PROGRAMMING CAMPAIGN...
  10. profdraper

    Centre wheel caps

    OK, here's the thing & has been covered a number of times here & on other ZS EV fora: The hubcaps are usually fitted incorrectly from the factory (potluck) and are not necessarily rotated to the correct position. Only one hole is designed for the air valve to correctly project. Remove the caps...
  11. profdraper

    Updating the Australian MG ZS EV Sat Nav maps.

    There's an interesting tutorial here, but I'm assuming this is for UK maps (?)
  12. profdraper

    Tutorial for updating maps on ZS EV Gen 2 (avoiding

    Thanks for this, appreciated. However, this doesn't mention which country /region this might be for (I'm assuming UK maps). Now having setup a free account, I don't seem to be able to navigate to exactly which maps & for what part of the world ... here we are looking for Australia (& I think...
  13. profdraper

    iSMART not working when car in garage - GPS booster needed?
  14. profdraper

    MG ZS missing V2L function

    I got this one from Aliexpress, works perfectly...
  15. profdraper

    Reduced range in winter (merged)

    Exactly right & for LFP battery chemistry in particular (& this has been written about extensively elsewhere; google it). One of the 'downsides' of LFP is that the Guessometer can be a bit wierd, depending. eg, the discharge curve appears to be not linear, but logarithmic, ie, much of the...
  16. profdraper

    Mg zs ev emergency systems fault

    OMG. My ZS EV door handles stick out everywhere and are not flush! What to do, what to do? Where to complain?
  17. profdraper

    Gen 1 more economic than gen 2??

    No, to the contrary, the gen 2 is far more sophisticated in this respect.
  18. profdraper

    Gen 1 more economic than gen 2??

    No, the gen 1 is NMC battery, the SR gen 2 is LFP battery.
  19. profdraper

    Front seat is splitting!!

    According to this thread, the '7 year warrantly' cherry picks certain elements (much like many other car warranties:
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