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  1. Bazzer44

    Battery problem advice

    Must confess,got the car in Jan 2021, used all manner of chargers, rapid,fast and home Rolec Never bothered about balancing , but generally fully charge overnight on home Rolec Up to last night best I ever got was 161 on eco after overnight chzrge Experiment Yesterday, put it on granny charger...
  2. Bazzer44

    Out of stock?

    And to be fair, dependent on price, why wouldn't you , but am still.happy with mine
  3. Bazzer44

    First Full Charging.

    I have never had more than 161 in eco , but can live with that
  4. Bazzer44

    MGEV community Secret Handshake?

    Well spotted, lovely colour
  5. Bazzer44

    MGEV community Secret Handshake?

    I do thumbs up already
  6. Bazzer44

    If you had your time over again?

    Oh so that's a trait in New Zealand as well then ?
  7. Bazzer44

    If you had your time over again?

    Did she pay for the fuel in the ICE? Lol
  8. Bazzer44

    InstaVolt - billing

    How did you get a free trial card for BP pulse? Thanks
  9. Bazzer44

    Gridserve at Leigh Delamere

    Sadly they are about everywhere , not only on ev chargers
  10. Bazzer44

    Gridserve at Leigh Delamere

    Blimey , a bit severe that , but understand , I must be going soft In my old age Was charging mine on Sunday at a free Engie and a Tesla turned up,only had a short time left so let the chap on and asked why he didn't use a Supercharger 5 mins away and he said they were very expensive , thought...
  11. Bazzer44


    Mine is 161 but I don't car anyway
  12. Bazzer44

    Long range ZS

    What a shame you couldn't get a photo
  13. Bazzer44


    I've never got more than 161 on eco but not bothered anyway
  14. Bazzer44

    PodPoint timed charging?

    Yes same with my Rolec I put mine on at 10-30 for a midnight start charging , EV have made it trickle charge to midnight them my SSE freebie kicks in The trickle charge cost me between 30 - 40 p so not bad really. My bed is worth that I feel Come to think about it I suppose I could get one of...
  15. Bazzer44

    Free Parking !! :-)

    That was the tricky bit but got through
  16. Bazzer44

    Free Parking !! :-)

    Took two applications to get mine
  17. Bazzer44

    Free Parking !! :-)

    Good luck and don't waste it lol
  18. Bazzer44

    Free Parking !! :-)

    Yes its brilliant went to Leeds last week and used Woodhouse Lane multi storey ,very handy for Town Centre parking
  19. Bazzer44

    Snow Foam time

    A good point by ex er indoors then lol
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