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  1. Bazzer44

    Snow Foam time

    Well did you? Lol
  2. Bazzer44

    Can the MG ZS EV use Tesla chargers?

    Kithmo No chance an cashing in on us Yorkshire folk is there lol
  3. Bazzer44

    Plug Types

    Quite a few but mainly just a single letter ie Domestic E,F,G and a couple that you can guess as Australi and New Zealand
  4. Bazzer44

    Plug Types

    Thanks will try
  5. Bazzer44

    Plug Types

    Don't know , how do I check that , but the plug types in the sat nav settings are mainly just single letters ie Domestic E , F , H But a couple you can guess as being New Zealand and Australia
  6. Bazzer44

    Plug Types

    Mmmm Thats not one of those that are listed on the sat nav settings unfortunately
  7. Bazzer44

    Plug Types

    I know we have type 2 charge cables for our cars But looking on the sat nav settings and plug types there is no type 2 There are numerous types listed ,does anyone know if any of those listed are type 2 by another name I am assuming if you put the correct plug type in the settings it will show...
  8. Bazzer44

    Can the MG ZS EV use Tesla chargers?

    Sure you did the same dance , with, without music?
  9. Bazzer44

    Vehicle Control System Fault - caused by charger ?

    And company,suppose its lonely under the bonnet
  10. Bazzer44

    Vehicle Control System Fault - caused by charger ?

    At this rate people will be putting wing nuts on the battery lol
  11. Bazzer44

    Vehicle Control System Fault - caused by charger ?

    How all our Forum members care about one another is so uplifting and helpfull thanks
  12. Bazzer44

    Vehicle Control System Fault - caused by charger ?

    And if as Kithmo says put it in the car and you won't need it lol Will need a good tape so it doesn't rot or fall off ?
  13. Bazzer44

    Vehicle Control System Fault - caused by charger ?

    Put my spanner the boot
  14. Bazzer44

    Vehicle Control System Fault - caused by charger ?

    Gomev Did Luscombes do the service?
  15. Bazzer44

    Poor visibility - reverse camera

    Kithmo How do you update the sat nav , explain slowly cos I am from Wesy Yorkhire?
  16. Bazzer44


    No pretty level
  17. Bazzer44


    Another thing to bear in mind then
  18. Bazzer44


    Don't know but will try that
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