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  1. Bazzer44


    Yes Auto hold on Can go forward no seatbelts reverse no seatbelts no go Was panicking to start with then gobsmacked when put the seatbelts on on away we went Have tried it again and no seatbelts no go Mine must be a test car ?
  2. Bazzer44


    Something new today , well it was for me , sure it will be in the handbook but who reads them lol Tried reversing and handbrake would not release , tried a couple of starts but still not released , caught a momentary message " put the seatbelt on" normally do anyway , put seatbelt on and hey...
  3. Bazzer44

    New Motorway charger M42 J10

    Just looking on Zapmap for all chargers between Tamworth and Leeds cu there lol
  4. Bazzer44

    Cost of Charging to Rise

    We are very lucky in West Yorkshire in tha respect But you do have a lovely coastline
  5. Bazzer44

    Test Drive ZS EV - Wow

    Bloody ell you have a very persausive head(y)
  6. Bazzer44

    Cost of Charging to Rise

    Arnt there any free chargers round your way?
  7. Bazzer44

    Test Drive ZS EV - Wow

    Put your persuasion head on
  8. Bazzer44

    Vic Young South Shields - MG Dealer Discussion, Opinions & Experiences

    Robert I rang the A A and they confirmed membership just by giving them my registration Think they said three years cover but not concerned anyway
  9. Bazzer44

    Rolec Smart Charger

    Mmm kithmo , is that a Republic of South Yorkshire thing ? Didn't realise it had got out of West Yorkshire lol???lol
  10. Bazzer44

    Rolec Smart Charger

    Not paying enough lol
  11. Bazzer44

    Rolec Smart Charger

  12. Bazzer44

    Rolec Smart Charger

    Blimey our gas and electric cost is £90 per month
  13. Bazzer44

    Rolec Smart Charger

    Hi Tim I am with SSE on their Fix & Drive Tariff, they give the equivalent of 8000 miles charge free , but you have to charge between 12 midnight and 8 am I am a lazy devil and like my bed so put the charger on at say 11 or 11.30 , so put it to trickle charge till it got to 12 So...
  14. Bazzer44

    Rolec Smart Charger

    I just wondered if there was an alternative app, it could be better , there again it could confirm we have a decent app for its purpose
  15. Bazzer44

    Rolec Smart Charger

    I have a Rolec charger and use the ev app for smart charging There are no issues that concern me but I wonder is there anyone on here that has the Rolec but use a different app for smart charging?
  16. Bazzer44

    Pilot badge on the MG ZS EV

    Mmm Reckon it's shiny things rather than the Special unless of course you are Jose Mourino?
  17. Bazzer44

    Pilot badge on the MG ZS EV

    You've rumbled me Dodger
  18. Bazzer44

    Pilot badge on the MG ZS EV

    Apparently it seems a badge adds £500 to the value of the car I've got a hundred for sale at £10 each lol?
  19. Bazzer44

    Pilot badge on the MG ZS EV

    Was wondering what to look for , my Pimlico Blue purchased in January this year hasn't got one
  20. Bazzer44

    Tesla Chargers

    But at least it is possible to use the chargers even if slightly fussy Going to keep watching for such one on my travels and will bear your comments in mind
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