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  1. Bazzer44

    Tesla Chargers

    Thanks Scotty , bit far is Cardiff from Leeds lol
  2. Bazzer44

    What is the best charging and discharge plan to have the optimum whole life battery performance.

    Hey Kithmo Thee and me are Yorkshiremen we can still talk and disagree lol
  3. Bazzer44

    Tesla Chargers

    The connector I saw was very similar to my type 2
  4. Bazzer44

    Tesla Chargers

    I am sure the Tesla cars that charge at all the other chargers feel entitled to do so , but of course I understand your point , again my EV won't fit the charger so no problems
  5. Bazzer44

    Tesla Chargers

    A member posted on here that a successfull charge had been achieved , I ask how the connection was made but didn't get a reply , but thanks anyway it was just a chance that there would be a favourable reply
  6. Bazzer44

    Tesla Chargers

    There was a post recently by a member indicating he had successfully charged his MG ZS EV on a Tesla Charger I attempted to plug mine in but the tethered cable did not fit my MG , anyone purchased or obtained some sort of adapter that converts the socket on the MG to suit the Tesla Charger cable...
  7. Bazzer44

    Kit provided with new car?

    First application got no response so phoned them and they said they need the full V5C ,I only sent front page , so applied again last week with full document so will chase next week if I hear nothing I also noted somewhere that the Woodhouse Lane car park chargers are currently free
  8. Bazzer44

    Kit provided with new car?

    No need , call AA give them your Reg and they will confirm you have cover for 4 years
  9. Bazzer44

    Kit provided with new car?

    It was just you have a blue mg and I spoke to a lady who had one and we had a good chat, she told me about the Leeds Permit after which I applied and still waiting , how long did yours take to arrive?
  10. Bazzer44

    Kit provided with new car?

    Looks that way doesn't it Are you the Lady who I saw in the White Rose?
  11. Bazzer44

    Smart Plug

    Thanks Les greatly appreciated
  12. Bazzer44

    charging point cards

    Thanks Dodger We have those dotted about here so may try one of those with a contactless card , nowt to lose apart from a few bob lol
  13. Bazzer44

    charging point cards

    Ecotricity is one I recognise up North so will bear that in mind , thanks for that
  14. Bazzer44

    Smart Plug

    Les its the zs ev exclusive , will now be scanning Aldi everytime I am in there now, but reckon £20 or close is a pipedream
  15. Bazzer44

    charging point cards

    As a matter of interest whose chargers have you used that took your card contactless , and I assume you did not register with them , I will the attempt it on their chargers around our area as it will certainly be a preferred route dependent on their kw charging rate
  16. Bazzer44

    Smart Plug

    Hi Les Was going to comment on your roof bars stuff , but wanted them for my MG EV not the radiator , joke Had a problem with SSE due to covid but got there eventually ,it's their Fix and Drive tariff , it wasn't on their tariff list but as I say got their in the end
  17. Bazzer44

    Smart Plug

    Joe I am with SSE , I get it totally free between 12 midnight and 8am , that's a proper Yorkshireman lol
  18. Bazzer44

    Smart Plug

    It surprises me that not a lot of mention is made regarding the apps that tell you where the public charging points are located , such as Zap Map for one Also you may even already have a free charger , yes free , in your back yard A lot of Aldis now have the Pod Points that are free vend...
  19. Bazzer44

    Kit provided with new car?

    I was inquisitive on this one so rang the AA and got through, would you believe it , to a dedicated MG EV line , and found out that I am covered on my Reg until 2024 , got the car the January , so that is positive news for all new MG EV owners
  20. Bazzer44

    Kit provided with new car?

    Thanks Dodger , hopefully won't need it but at least its there
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