Thanks. Yeah - sat in the car with the fans and AC on it's only drawing 1A. I thought that might be the case, especially as the 'cooling' A/C function does provide the side effect / function of dehumidifying the air, I just wanted to make sure that my experience with this was the same as others...
Yeah, I get that bit. I 'm guessing that they make the assumption that you turned it off to stop fumes / smells coming in (and really wanted to steam up all your windows!).
Mu question though is about the AUTO function. I would expect that it would turn 'Cooling' off if the cabin temperature...
Hi All. I have a question about the A/C button / light on the "Automatic Temperature Control" system
Simply - the question is - is it normal for A/C to always be on when the system is set to AUTO?
and for the longer explanation...
This may be 'fluid terminology' or a loss in translation in the...
Are there any 80KW chargers about or do they generally sit at 50 or 100? Maybe they're making the point that you can use a 100KW charger, and it will charge faster than a 50, but not twice as fast.
as for the SR/LR debate. I would have been happy without the pilot stuff as I've never had that...
Nope. Just popped out and tried it. Lights up regardless of status of Auto mode or A/C on or off.
Cranked the temp right up though and then hit the Econ button but I can't say I saw any difference in amps consumed.
Nowt on the display to say that ECON is on either, so it's either the button...
ducks and covers....
I think the general consensus I get from most forums is that the only time WD40 should go anywhere near your car is when you're transporting the can home...
Admittedly though - I don't really know why, but I've heard from enough people who I believe do know what they're...
No. I'm from Yorkshire. I was always tight. kept an eye on consumption and energy costs, switch supplier every year for the cheapest price etc.
The only difference is that some items are now scheduled to charge / run in the Octopus GoFaster period. I try to avoid making our lass's evening...
I’m not sure it ‘wants’ to move forward as there is no ICE idling away. I assume it just crawls forward when you let off the brake to emulate what an ICE auto would do, as that’s what drivers expect to happen.
but we are talking about whilst charging here, right? So the HV battery must be connected otherwise how is it going to charge?
just tried this on my 5LR (on the granny). Looking at the electric info display, flicking on the Aircon just reduces the amps going into the HV battery, so I assume...
@MilesperkWh does your demo one do this (or could you check it out next time you’re out and about please?). I assume not many people use ISA so it might have gone un-noticed. I’d rather know if it’s common before I leave mine back at Chorley for diagnosis next Saturday. Thanks.
They all work fine for me (Chrome on Windows 10).
I would add though - if you are going to buy from Amazon, remember to add a smile! is the same amazon site, butt lets you select a charity that receives a nominal amount (0.5% of net purchase price excluding vat, shipping etc)...
Yeah, and the Manual Speed Assist range is 20 - 80 MPH as well. It's in the range so I would expect it to work. At the very worst, I would expect it to not recognise the sign at all and put --- there like it does at every junction.
The one thing I wouldn't expect it to do is throw up a warning...
I'm guessing the reason is that the person who wrote the software lives in another country and didn't realise we have 20MPH speed limits here...
You can set a manual speed limit at 20MPH, so it's not that the speed assist function cant support that speed.
Well, 48 hours and 70 odd miles in, it seems that Ernie (Mg5 LR Exclusive) is indeed the fastest milk cart in the west. So much so, in fact, that he actively protests against what he considers overbearing speed restrictions.
I noticed an intermittent failure on the drive home from collecting...
Yeah - I was indecisive between silver and black. Was leaning towards Black at first but the 'Early September' or 'Sometime in October' just tipped the scales back the other way.
it's OK. As long as there is a sign, it'll set the limit automatically for you. It clears at junctions and corners and looks for another sign so if you're driving round a 30 area (so there are regular streetlamps, but not signs) then it doesn't know so it doesn't set a limit. It assumes 60 for a...
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