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  1. AnonymouseDriva

    Which one do you use?

    Yeah, I see how that would be tricky without it in the absence of a clutch.
  2. AnonymouseDriva

    Which one do you use?

    yeah - I never understood why an EV would creep. It's not as if the engine has to be 'running'. I also assumed it was so that it felt like other automatic cars (even though technically, it's fixed gear, not automatic shift). Surprised it's not an 'option' in the menus. Guess that's more...
  3. AnonymouseDriva

    Which one do you use?

    it's a (2) from me. just a bit of background for any that aren't aware. (1) (press the P button) is effectively putting the car into Park mode. Handy if you want to be sure that catching the accelerator won't move the car, but probably overkill otherwise. (2) is the EPB (that's the Electronic...
  4. AnonymouseDriva


    I spent a lot of time researching charge points too, and read far too many reviews. They all seem to have their evangelists and their haters. At the time of looking, my impression was that Zappi and Hypervolt seemed to have the most vocal evangelists. I went for the Hypervolt in the end. It...
  5. AnonymouseDriva

    Dead car / flat 12 volt battery ?

    press the start button without the brake held down. That'll put the car in 'ACC' mode and start some things up but won't connect the HV battery. Pressing again will put it in 'On' mode and that fires up a few more systems, but still leaves the HV battery disconnected. From memory you need to be...
  6. AnonymouseDriva

    A second recall, this time the roof bars.

    Aren't you driving the long range? That one was always 75Kg. I think they learned their lesson after the first time round....
  7. AnonymouseDriva

    A second recall, this time the roof bars.

    Quick on the draw there @C6MFC
  8. AnonymouseDriva

    A second recall, this time the roof bars.

    I think the recall is just to update the manual to say that you can now carry 35Kg. (assuming it's an exclusive).
  9. AnonymouseDriva

    Dead car / flat 12 volt battery ?

    Best to check the 12v in accessory mode rather than ready mode, otherwise you're just seeing the net effect of the voltage that the HV / LV converter (or whatever the technical term is) is putting across the battery.
  10. AnonymouseDriva

    Dead car / flat 12 volt battery ?

    Hmm That's interesting. From P9 of the LR Exclusive manual: so I would have expected, given that you have the top spec (same as me) that this should have kept your 12v battery going. the * indicates optional or on certain vehicles in the range, but I can't see this being an 'optional extra'...
  11. AnonymouseDriva

    Dead car / flat 12 volt battery ?

    Which model of the 5 do you have? Some models will monitor the 12V battery state even when 'off' and top it up from the main battery. I'm assuming the LR Exclusive does, but don't know at what spec level that applies to as it's not clear in the manual. It has a * to say not all models, but...
  12. AnonymouseDriva

    Warranty vs Mileage vs Battery

    ok - lets follow that up with a question for anyone that's more battery minded. I (like most people) look at that and think (does that mean I can lose 29% of my range and have no comeback on warranty, but should we be thinking of this as more binary than linear (i.e. it's either a good battery...
  13. AnonymouseDriva

    Eeking out range

    I don't think anyone thought you were. It's a valid (and very good) question that encompasses the challenge of 'hypermiling' to reduce cost per mile (or just be top of the leader-board!) , the manifestation of range anxiety, and the question of what you would be prepared to put up with to avoid...
  14. AnonymouseDriva

    Eeking out range

    pretty much what I was getting at, but in considerably less words ;)
  15. AnonymouseDriva

    Eeking out range

    I cared before. Well, when I got my first car and was thrashing my little 950cc fiesta around at 50p/litre I didn't, but more recently I definitely did. I think the difference for me was the average consumption readout on the car that showed me that dropping 10mph on the motorway and driving...
  16. AnonymouseDriva

    Saving Money In Your Motor Insurance!

    Yeah - always check a cashback site. My preferred option is Quidco I've had well over a grand out of them in cashback - and I don't use them blindly. I'll only use a cashback if it's the best deal around. unlike bwanamdevu though, I do get something out of...
  17. AnonymouseDriva

    Projected Range

    Well, if you're feeling flush and can afford 2p per mile, might as well put it in Sport mode and floor it! I constantly struggle with the ingrained need to get every last mile out of the old expensive fuels, compared to the fact that I couldn't break the bank on 'fuel' in this if I tried!
  18. AnonymouseDriva

    Projected Range

    Closer to 1.8p/mile. Don't forget charging losses (reckoned to be about 10% I believe) so for every 10KwH you pay for only 9KwH is stored in the battery, (in simplistic terms). There's probably an adjustment to be made the other way as there are discussions over whether the energy regained...
  19. AnonymouseDriva

    Speed information warning issues on MG5 LR

    Yeah, there are some minor annoyances like that. Some things hold their settings, some things turn back on automatically, and some turn off. The theory is that it's 'safety features' that turn back on, but the speed limiter (speed assist) function completely switches off and needs to be...
  20. AnonymouseDriva

    The 'Three Cars' icon

    LKA just follows lanes, (or correct if you go out of lane, or just notifies depending on the setting) and can only work at speed (min 37MPH / 60Km/h to activatee, and automatically deactivates below 33mph according to the book). As said before, Pilot works down to stop. In addition, it can...
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