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  1. AnonymouseDriva

    My Solution for Rear Number Plate on MG5

    Small point, but isn’t the number plate supposed to also display the name and postcode of the company that provided it? (Or is that the tiny print bottom right? Couldn’t make it out on the pic) apparently they also need a BS mark since September’21 as well… Displaying number plates
  2. AnonymouseDriva

    What’s the etiquette?

    Also, register on NeedToCharge | The friendly way to share an EV charger , get the app, and spread the word!
  3. AnonymouseDriva

    MG5 LR 1)Low voltage battery maintenance 2)Jacking car with trolley jack sill adapter

    For (1) I have this in my LR manual, but it’s marked with a * so only applicable to certain models. Don’t know which ones though. I assume the LR Exclusive is a given…
  4. AnonymouseDriva

    100% of what ?

    Guess-o-meter. In other words, the “remaining range”
  5. AnonymouseDriva

    Question on granny charging

    Ok. 5LR. Charged to 100% and left to balance (although I have only had it a month, this is its first charge to full, and looking at the Hypervolt log it barely balanced for more than a couple of minutes.) I’m showing 406v.
  6. AnonymouseDriva


    it isn't that. The Granny charger is a 10A charger. A single three pin plug is only rated up to 13A, and some older sockets will get a tad on the warm side drawing even that. Your supply might be a 20 or 32A ring, but that's the total ring with multiple sockets on it. Yeah, it's slow. it draws...
  7. AnonymouseDriva

    Driving in floods?

    The battery and motor are IP67 rated I believe, so could technically be submerged for half an hour under a meter of water without any ingress. I'm not tempted to try that though.... Can't say the same for the rest of the car and any other electrical components though... I guess treat it like any...
  8. AnonymouseDriva


    not banging it - just touching the screen. I was playing with a 'blank screen' function, then realised I didn't know how to turn the screen back on but you just touch the screen again to bring it back on. I think you would have known if you had done that though...
  9. AnonymouseDriva


    Yeah. @Kithmo was right. Just tapped the screen and it came back on.
  10. AnonymouseDriva


    Yeah. @Kithmo was right. Just tapped the screen and it came back on.
  11. AnonymouseDriva

    Winter weather

    I did wonder about that - whenever the system is set to 'auto' my A/C light is permanently on, but I've still noticed things getting a bit steamy. A press of the 'Demist' button sorts that though, Maybe the A/C button means that the system is 'active / available' but not necessarily 'on' unless...
  12. AnonymouseDriva

    Cruise control 1 mph increment/decrement

    ... and that probably explains the difference. In my old car with cruise, I would be constantly tweak up or down based on the surrounding traffic. Now I have ACC on the 5LR, I don't have to do that, so the 5MPH jumps make more sense. I thought it a bit weird at first, but I've not needed to do...
  13. AnonymouseDriva

    Winter weather

    but...but... the manual specifically (and repeatedly) refers to this as the 'air cooling' function. ;) I'm with you on that one though. If my GCSE physics from, erm, a while ago, servers me correctly, the dehumidification is probably just a side effect of the cooling - in that the act of...
  14. AnonymouseDriva

    Range and things!!

    yeah, the needle dies tweak up a bit on that initial launch (even with a gentle start). That's probably the only time I see significant movement on that dial .
  15. AnonymouseDriva

    Range and things!!

    I'm tight (might have mentioned that before!) and could routinely get my scenic knocking on the door of 70mpg, but I've rarely managed to get anything over 4M/kWh yet on my '5LR (had it a month). I put it down to a couple of things though: 1) It's a different style of driving, and probably a...
  16. AnonymouseDriva


    Aye, that was probably it. Don't remember it being a long panic. Red herring then - I'm pretty sure OP has tried giving the screen a tap... Sorry @Tommysan , if the battery trick doesn't do the job then it looks like it's a trip back to the dealer.
  17. AnonymouseDriva


    ok. I think I remember doing this when I first got the car. There's something you can do to switch that screen to a blank mode, but I can't remember how I did it or how I got back out if it. (or for that matter, if I just dreamed it!) I'm in a 5. I'll have a play if I get a chance and see if I...
  18. AnonymouseDriva

    Upgrading Dash Camera

    I see a few reports around about rear cameras killing DAB signal. what are people's experiences with this, and did you manage to 'fix' it? That's the only thing that's stopping me spending my cash on one at the moment.. Thanks
  19. AnonymouseDriva

    Question on granny charging

    Yeah, and that's Jan '21 so will definitely be the 53KwH battery. @Jomarkh is also right though that there are a lot of posts (from Feb onwards) stating 405v, so maybe there was a sly BMS update for the 53kWh MG5? OP (and I ) are on the 'long range' though.... I would be surprised if it was...
  20. AnonymouseDriva

    Question on granny charging

    Well (and I'm completely theorising here as I'm also still on the granny till thursday and am too tight to charge outside Go Faster hours...) 57kWh (useable) * 3.5 miles/kWh = 199.5 miles (maybe plus a little bonus for Eco and Regen to tip it over 200). I'll let you know what mine says when I...
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